Photographs give information on what real-life scenarios look like away from human influence. In this case, a sketched photo of a girl on a bridge on Lake Garda is compared to that taken in real life. The picture shows a vast scene of an unending sea and a girl staring into the empty space. The picture provides a good view to recall natural observation and enjoy the outdoor creation. The observers are treated to an outdoor lifestyle of nature to relax their minds away from the artificial world. The photograph depicts little human activity, only a bridge and a girl. In essence, the scene brings out a pure depiction of the outside nature that has little human influence. The vast sea, the cloudy weather and the ambient sunlight treat the observer to a natural fulfillment.
Inspiration Piece

Girl on Garda Lake, which is the title of the photograph taken by Giuseppe Milo. The picture comprises a bridge with a girl standing at the furthest point of it. The bridge is constructed to protrude into a lake and treats the observers to interact with nature (Milo, 2016). The scene inspires one to reflect upon nature away from human interference such as pollution. The atmosphere is good for soul searching and offers related to the visitors.
Art Piece

The above figure shows a sketch of the initial photograph. The surrounding dashes represent water while the black and white object is the bridge. The standing figure at the end of the bridge is the girl who is gazing at an empty space. The sketch captures some of the essential elements of the photograph of the girl on the Garda lake.
The inspiration piece has a colored theme—blue enhancing the water’s expanse and brown color for the bridge’s timber logs. The art piece has a black and white theme covering everything in the photo. The theme color is different, but they are similar on both photos as per the objects on the image. Both of them have a lake, a bridge, the horizon and a girl.
The photograph and the drawing that follows are of different mediums. The Photo of the girl on Garda Lake is taken by a color camera which brings out all the features of the environment. For example, it is possible to tell about the weather conditions of the place when the photo was taken. The medium in the sketch is a pen and paper. The sketch brings out the salient features of the scene but the natural feel is missing.
Considering the formal elements of photography, the shapes are slightly different from each other. The pattern is similar in both images, especially the bridge. Due to sketching, the sizes are different: the girl is bigger on the second photo than on the first (Dawn, 2015). The inspiration piece has colors that make it more real than the art piece which is merely a blue and white color.
Dawn, O. (2015). How to read a photograph. Envatotuts. Web.
Milo, G. (2016). Girl on Garda lake – Sirmione, Italy – Fine art photography[Photograph]. Flickr. Web.