PICOT and Nursing Practice Problem


Evidence-based practice presents an approach in which research evidence can be used for guidance in the decision-making process. PICOT is a tool used in clinical research that provides a clear formulation of elements within the research’s question. The use of the PICOT tool significantly contributes to the overall efficiency of the evidence-based practice system because it allows easier navigation in the existing base of knowledge. This essay will define why it is important to ensure that a PICOT question in research is based on a nursing practice problem.


Firstly, the main goal of the nurse practitioner is to provide quality care for patients through the use of current evidence-based knowledge. The formulation of PICOT questions in research favors standardization and an easier process of selecting the right evidence for patients’ care. Furthermore, poorly formulated PICOT questions will prevent the use of the best suitable evidence for patient care (Lira & Rocha, 2019). Thus, the PICOT question must be based on a nursing practice problem to ensure that the research’s evidence will contribute to the improvement of the quality of patient care. Next, nursing practice problems focus on specific issues connected with patients’ feelings. Thus, it is important that the evidence used for patient care is based on unbiased research. Therefore, the use of PICOT questions in research on nursing practice problems reduces the chances of bias in the results, ensuring the quality of patient care.


In conclusion, this essay explored why it is important to ensure that PICOT questions are based on nursing practice problems. The papers defined that the use of the right PICOT question in research will favor improvements in the quality of patient care and reduce the chances of bias in evidence-based practice. Thus, the nursing practice problems-based PICOT questions have more chances to contribute to the overall efficiency of evidence-based practice application.


Lira, R. P. C., & Rocha, E. M. (2019). PICOT: Imprescriptible items in a clinical research question. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, 82, 1-1. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "PICOT and Nursing Practice Problem." August 31, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/picot-and-nursing-practice-problem/.


StudyCorgi. "PICOT and Nursing Practice Problem." August 31, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/picot-and-nursing-practice-problem/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "PICOT and Nursing Practice Problem." August 31, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/picot-and-nursing-practice-problem/.

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