The Medical Practice Improvement

The key aspects I would like to remember from this reading are the comprehensive performance evaluation framework and the ongoing optimization cycle. They make it possible to establish constant monitoring of essential indicators of operational processes in which employees are involved and simultaneously implement the search for ways to improve through the reporting progress step of the cycle. At the same time, the diversification of stakeholders makes it possible not to miss the essential components of the organizational process. Chapter 10, in turn, provides the tools for this assessment, and, in my opinion, the most important of them is the differentiation of data types for the application of appropriate methodologies and predictive analysis. These approaches are especially critical in medical practice, where the cost of error is extremely high (Rai & Devaiah, 2019). Therefore, by knowing how to work with specific data and implement ways to visualize them, I can conduct high-quality operational activities right now and evaluate the potential development of specific variables to make the most effective decisions.

As a result of reading Chapter 9, the main question that arose for me was, “how to achieve the most optimal solutions that satisfy all interested parties?”. Partially, I got closer to the answer in Chapter 10, but on the other hand, I mostly became familiar with data types and how to visualize them. This information allows locally to solve particular problems, but I am still interested in practical universal methods that have already proven themselves in relevant studies, going deeper than calculating fundamental statistical indicators.

However, the diversified focus of the measurement processes explored in Chapter 9 can help me in several ways. Firstly, interaction within the medical team under this control will help to avoid conflict situations and build a healthy ethical atmosphere. Secondly, the apparent emphasis on quality of service towards patients is now taking the concrete shape of process optimization in finance, training, and technology, identified in the chapter as the leading measurable indicators of success.

The tenth chapter allows me to work with information in a complex way. First, I will try to visualize the obtained quantitative data more often to implement the predictive analysis. In addition, to achieve the long-term goals of improving processes in the medical field and one’s growth as a specialist, knowledge of such methods is critical in evaluating and developing any scientific activity: the results of any experiments should be tested for statistical significance.


Rai, S., & Devaiah, V. H. (2019). The need for healthcare reforms: is no-fault liability the solution to medical malpractice?. Asian Bioethics Review, 11(1), 81-93. Web.

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