Place Names in Englewood: Belleview Park and Avenue and Broadway Street

Belleview Park and Avenue

The origin of the word Belleview comes from the combination of two words: belle and view. In French, ‘belle’ means ‘beautiful’ and, in general, this word is often associated with women. French speakers associate it with softness, lightness and purity. These characteristics are often attributed to nature in literature and folklore, so this name seems logical. Possibly, the man who gave this name for the first time to any place wanted to capture the memory of his daughter, associating her with innocence and purity.

From this people can conclude that the first settlers of Englewood were French-speaking gold miners. It can be assumed that the men who came to mine gold missed their families; in this way, they hoped to capture the memory of them. In addition, on the map of Englewood people can find the good-sounding hydronym Belisle Reservoir. This place name, which has a common origin with the considering toponym, differs only in the addition of ‘ile’. In French, ‘ile’ means island, which is directly related to the reservoir. The citizens pronounce Belleview (Bellevue) as ‘bel-vyoo’, with stress on the last syllable.

The change in pronunciation of this place name varies up to Bellevue. The variability of this name is not diverse; in any case, the toponym will mean ‘beautiful place’, no matter if it refers to a park, street, avenue, or city. In the US, this name is common: Bellevue in Washington, Belleview in Florida. In these cities, shopping centers and business centers with this name are also being opened, from which readers can conclude that owners consider it relevant and attractive to potential customers. In Englewood, this place name became the name for a veterinary clinic. This toponym is found even in Australia, where it works as a replacement for the old name of the hill. The Australian governor called the name Vinegar Hill rude and vulgar, so the hill became Bellevue.

Broadway Street

Broadway always means the big and wide road used by city dwellers on their way to work, the market, or for entertainment. This street is considered the main one, there are a lot of people who come for different reasons. The history of Broadway in Englewood is connected with Tom Skerrit, who is called the father of Englewood. Historians believe that he, using a horse wagon and a thick, wide log, drew this road to Denver. There is a clear pattern of migration in Englewood here. People settled in such a way that it was more convenient to organize a trade connection with Denver. Broadway was the route that made it easier for the citizens to trade with Denver. Prior to this, people used the Santa Fe Highway; and Tom Skerrit found this uncomfortable, so he arranged for a direct road to Denver. People settled along this road and, most critically, developed the infrastructure. At the moment, Broadway remains one of the most densely built streets with rich infrastructure, where people can find restaurants (4 G’s On Broadway, Woody’s Wings 3, Santiago’s Mexican Restaurant) and other recreational or commercial places.

The stable pronunciation is ‘braad-way’, and the name Broadway is widely used for the main streets of many cities. It highlights the breadth of the street and the fact that a significant part of the city’s infrastructure is located here. This is hardly true for Englewood, but in the most populous and wealthy cities, the synonym Piccadilly is used for Broadway along with other names.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, May 8). Place Names in Englewood: Belleview Park and Avenue and Broadway Street.

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