Plot and Main Idea of “Back to the Future” Film


There are movies that not only do not age but also continue to carry philosophical and ethical thoughts through the decades. One of these films is Back to the Future, which was released in 1985 and still does not lose the relevance of its theme. Considering the film nowadays, its main idea seems important and modern, as it says that people can influence both their own and others’ future through actions in the present.

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The main character of the movie Marty McFly is an ordinary teenager who is friends with a professor who is obsessed with many scientific ideas. The professor is creating a time machine, and with the use of this device, Marty accidentally ends up in a past time when his parents were still teenagers. He meets with them and has the opportunity to see how his father and mother in adolescence study, fall in love, suffer and rejoice (Back to the Future 1985). Back to the Future plot is a combination of adventure, comedic, and fantasy plot elements skillfully accentuated by acting. Each introduced image of the picture played a clear role in the storyline.

Interestingly, as shown in the film, events in the past can affect the future. That is, how people act now influences what their future will be like. Due to an accident, Marty interferes with the meeting of his own parents, thereby endangering his own existence. Additionally, going back to the present time is extremely problematic because time travel requires plutonium. Marty finds the still young Dr. Emmett Brown with the aim of returning to the present with the help of the professor (Back to the Future 1985). Throughout the plot, Marty is looking for ways to make his parents fall in love with each other, otherwise, he risks never being born.

The main distinguishing feature of the film lies in the combination of the universal idea of ​​the plot and the talented work of the entire film crew. The atmosphere of the film is mesmerizing, plunging the viewer into an exciting world with no time boundaries or ordinary standards of the genre. Back to the Future features creative people with extraordinary minds who travel through time to renew history. The film presents the viewer with the idea that one can escape from a predetermined future, and the present can be changed by rewriting the past.

The film Back to the Future leaves a lasting impression and aftertaste that lies in its main idea. The viewer not only looks at the plot of the film but can also project its events onto their own life in the present and in the future. While other aspects of the film can be interpreted in different ways, the film’s main idea about the possible impact of actions on the past and the future remains fixed throughout Back to the Future. This allows viewers to reflect on the opportunity to change their own and others’ lives.


In conclusion, Back to the Future can be called one of the classic movies of worldwide cinematography. Its main characters make the viewer think, empathize, rejoice, and go through all the adventures with them. Because of this, the film has won a place in the hearts of audiences, bringing up the complex idea that human actions have a significant impact. The actions of the protagonist affect his life and the life of his parents in the present and the future, and the same happens in the life of every spectator.


Back to the Future. Directed by ​​Robert Zemeckis. 1985. United States: Universal Pictures.

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