Police Brutality Against African-American Males: Urgent State Response Needed

Police brutality experienced by the African-American male population is critical, and the emergency of this situation requires immediate response from the state. In turn, the population should be knowledgeable about the services, organizations, and aid available to them in addressing and combating the current issue. Table 1 displays the organizations and people engaged in Miami community support in terms of police brutality and contains essential information, which can be disseminated further.

Table 1. Annotated directory of Miami services.

Organization Services and Activities
Dream Defenders
Contact person: Edward Whitfield (Co-Managing Director)
Email: bayareadreamdefenders@gmail.com
The organization provides preventive measures, interventions, and advocacy activities for young African-Americans.
In particular, the organization strives to:
  • develop leaders to oppose violence;
  • build alternative systems to disrupt the oppression of the African-American community;
  • establish a culture of respect, tolerance, and transformation;
  • execute non-violent liberation from inequality and oppression;
  • stop police violence and murder of African-American men.
A Philanthropic Partnership for Black Communities
New York 10001
333 Seventh Avenue, 14th Floor
Email: info@abfe.org
The partnership does the following:
  • advocates for the Black communities and supports Black Male Funders Learning & Action Network (LAN);
  • enables the collaboration of individuals, profit and non-profit organizations and associations;
  • ensures a legal and quality response to inequality, police brutality, violence, and social exclusion;
  • provides qualified support and assistance for the inclusion of Black communities;
  • ABFE is an influential network, which enables African-Americans to participate actively in the transformation of policies and practices that currently hinder them from living and performing securely and successfully.
The Gathering for Justice
Carmen Perez (Executive Director)
A non-profit organization aimed at eliminating the mass incarceration. It also provides the following services:
  • addresses the issue of police accountability;
  • engages in activities to stop inequalities in the criminal justice system;
  • assists individuals in protecting their human rights;
  • furnishes support in terms of police brutality issues;
  • provides the environment for the joint work of communities, a platform for the dialogue between generations (and cooperation of students for their tactical support).
Email: wecopwatch@gmail.com
The national-level group which:
  • educates the population on the essential issues of legal actions;
  • raises awareness of people about their rights (when they are stopped by the police)
  • educates the population groups on how to compile the documents correctly and concisely when they need to interact with law enforcement agencies;
  • conducts independent investigations in the cases when police actions can be considered questionable or inconsistent;
  • unites specialists to provide quality help to victims of harassment;
  • ensures that the provided services and education meet all legal requirements.
Abolitionist Law Centre
Email: info@abolitionistlawcenter.org
Public interest law firm that:
  • protects the rights of politicized prisoners;
  • aims to eliminate the unlawful race-based incarceration;
  • acts on behalf of people who are in prison and ensures their right have not been violated;
  • offers educational programs to the population to raise the awareness of people about their rights;
  • intends to unite people against the American penal system;
Workers Centre for Racial Justice
Phone: 312-361-1161 ext 201
Email: deangelo@center4racialjustice.org
  • the organization stimulates the African-American population to fight against police brutality and to confront any discriminating actions;
  • provides political education to ensure Black employees do not face discrimination at the workplace;
  • organizes and advocates campaigns aimed at eliminating the barriers to secure, equal, and inclusive environment for all the people;
  • conducts collaborations to promote stereotype and bias-free environment within society;
  • advocates for African-American males in combating police misconduct.
US Human Rights Network
Phone: 404-588-9761
Email: info@ushrnetwork.org
The national-level network which:
  • strives for building a respectful and fair attitude towards all the people;
  • strengthens human rights and works to eliminate any violation by authorities and police officers;
  • unites African-Americans and those who are not indifferent on the way to long-term structural shifts to reach equality;
  • aims to raise the visibility of unequal attitude towards the African-American population from the side of police;
  • has built a platform for individuals, organizations, and networks to promote an open dialogue on these issues on all the levels (local, state, international).
Right to the City
Contact person: Dawn Phillips (Executive Director)
Email: www.righttothecity.org
  • A national alliance of different organizations;
  • is engaged in activities related to addressing racial, economic, and social injustice;
  • part of their work implies combating police brutality, violence, and improper conduct related to the African-American population.
Community United Against Police Brutality
Hotline: 612-874-STOP (612-874-7867)
  • Minneapolis/St. Paul-based volunteer organization;
  • deals with everyday abuses and strives for addressing police brutality on both levels local and national ones;
  • aims to establish a climate of resistance to harassment and violence;
  • conducts meetings, debates, and activities for young people to become leaders who will positively influence society to eliminate the causes of unequal treatment of people.
Miami Community on State Violence
Miami, FL
8330 Biscayne Boulevard
Email: Durbin_Testimony@Judiciary-dem.Senate.gov
  • was created to address the urgency of police misconduct faced by the Miami community;
  • promotes structural changes to the legislature to secure the African-American population from the cases of violence;
  • encourages the people of Miami to join the cooperation aimed at combating violence.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 2). Police Brutality Against African-American Males: Urgent State Response Needed. https://studycorgi.com/police-brutality-increasing-support-for-black-males/

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StudyCorgi. "Police Brutality Against African-American Males: Urgent State Response Needed." January 2, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/police-brutality-increasing-support-for-black-males/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Police Brutality Against African-American Males: Urgent State Response Needed." January 2, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/police-brutality-increasing-support-for-black-males/.

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