Police Killing Black People in a Pandemic

Gupta, A. H. (2020). Since 2015: 48 black women killed by the police. And only 2 charges. The New York Times. 

The article deals with the death of Breonna Taylor, the acquittal of the police officers whose responsibility it was, and the police violence towards black women. The article provides statistics and factual data on police violence towards black people, particularly women, stating that it continues despite increasing national attention and pressure, as few police officers who cause death are charged. However, the author of the article says that the constant work of the activists, targeting the juridical system, is not in vain, as the police officers faced dismissal because of persistent pressure from the B.L.M. group. The author also stresses the importance of the B.L.M. movement for fighting police violence and discriminatory attitude towards black people.

Obasogie, O. K. (2020). Police killing black people is a pandemic, too. The Washington Post. 

The present article addresses the issue of police violence towards black people and provides US legislation-based evidence of the situation’s deterioration over the years. The author of the article compares the police violence towards black men with the COVID-19 pandemic, stating that police forces automatically relate black people with possible danger and threats to the well-being of society. The article defines police violence as a network of brutal measures sponsored by the government that gives the police officers permission to treat black people with disdain, constantly violating their rights. The author of the article, on the contrary, sympathizes with the black men and states that the US government should take action to stop constant police violence.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, February 15). Police Killing Black People in a Pandemic. https://studycorgi.com/police-killing-black-people-in-a-pandemic/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Police Killing Black People in a Pandemic." February 15, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/police-killing-black-people-in-a-pandemic/.


StudyCorgi. "Police Killing Black People in a Pandemic." February 15, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/police-killing-black-people-in-a-pandemic/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Police Killing Black People in a Pandemic." February 15, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/police-killing-black-people-in-a-pandemic/.

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