Power of Advertising: Good and Bad Balance’ Importance


People like to use advertising as a way to communicate with the public and sell various products and services (“Advertising” par.1). Regarding the methods and spheres of advertising, it is hard to understand if it has only positive or negative effects on people. There is one definite thought that proves that advertising has an effect on people (East 1; Pettigrew et al. 2205).

Therefore, personal evaluations and judgments could be used to develop an opinion and explain the power of advertising. Though people like to pay their attention to the negative effects of advertising like the creation of immeasurable goals or the possibilities to twist facts in economic, political, and children ads, advertising could have a number of positive effects including the promotion of information, the definition of social advantages, and the economic opportunities.

Positive and Negative Effects of Economic Advertising

Modern people understand that it is impossible to escape advertising (Plumer par.1), and they try to enjoy the economic benefit of advertising. In the U.S., advertising is used to encourage companies to sell and offer new products and to make people buy those products and services. Advertising makes people aware of their needs and brings incomes to the country.

The description of new products like a new Mitsubishi car that is comfortable for families is the example of an ad with positive economic advertising. Advertising is also a field where people could find jobs and earn money. The question of unemployment may not be completely solved with the help of advertising. Still, it is an opportunity to try something and make moves that could change the current situation. However, advertising does not determine the quality of a product. Therefore, the inabilities to promote a certain consumer demand and the value of products are the negative aspects of the economic impact of advertising.

Positive and Negative Effects of Advertising to Children

One of the negative effects of advertisement is a kind of obligation to follow the rules. It has a certain power to create values, images, and concepts of love and success. Children observe a number of soft drinks or could be encouraged visiting McDonald’s without being aware of how harmful soft drinks and fast food could actually be. At the same time, advertising makes children aware of new products, promote appropriate lifestyles, and inculcate good habits concerning personal hygiene. These are the positive effects of advertising to children.

Positive and Negative Effects of Political Advertising

The presence of negative and positive political ads proves that candidates and political stakeholders do not consider the context of the information they offer to people (Malloy and Pearson- Merkowitz 1). Their main goals include the creation of an appropriate political mood, the importance of voting and choosing an advertised candidate, and the necessity not to think about future but focus on the present affairs. The main negative effect of political ads is the inability to think rationally but follow the examples and promises created by different people. However, political advertising has a positive effect that is the possibility to get aware of the main political candidates, their goals, and intentions.


In general, the effects of advertising vary considerably. On the one hand, it is possible to introduce advertising as a purely negative concept that makes people think and act in a certain way. On the other hand, the examples and ideas could motivate and support people to achieve goals and promote the development. Advertising has to keep the balance between good and bad in order to be significant for people.

Works Cited

“Advertising.” Opposing Viewpoints in Context 2010: n.pag.

East, Robert. The Effect of Advertising and Display: Assessing the Evidence. New York: Springer Science & Business, 2013. Print.

Mallow, Liam C, and Shanna Pearson-Merkowitz. “Going Positive: The Effects of Negative and Positive Advertising on Candidate Success and Voter Turnout.” Research and Politics 3.1 (2016): 1-15.

Pettigrew, Simon, Liudmila Tarabasjkina, Michele Roberts, Pascale Quester, Kathy Chapman, and Caroline Miller. “The Effects of Television and Internet Food Advertising on Parents and Children.” Public Health Nutrition 16.12 (2013): 2205-2212. Print.

Plumer, Brad. “Does Advertising Help or Harm the Economy?” The Washington Post 27 Nov. 2012: n.pag.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Power of Advertising: Good and Bad Balance’ Importance." October 14, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/power-of-advertising-good-and-bad-balance-importance/.


StudyCorgi. "Power of Advertising: Good and Bad Balance’ Importance." October 14, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/power-of-advertising-good-and-bad-balance-importance/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Power of Advertising: Good and Bad Balance’ Importance." October 14, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/power-of-advertising-good-and-bad-balance-importance/.

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