Review of Chapters 1-3 in ‘Precision Conducting’ by Timothy Sharp

In his book, Precision Conducting, Seven Disciplines for Excellence in Conducting, Timothy Sharp looks into the different ways of inspiring a conductor. Chapters 1 to 3 discuss analyzing, internalizing, and marking the score. The author argues that it is critical for the conductor to first analyze the score. At this point in music creation, the conductor should study and fully understand the structure of the score. Sharp continues to state that the analysis should ideally lead to charting, which is the written composition of the score that makes markings more visible. Also important to note is that the conductor has to chart both single movements and the full score in order to study it fully.

Proper charting and analysis of the score will make the internalization process easier. Sharp equates singing a different well-versed song without making sounds to internalization. Using this internalization approach, the conductor can affirm any problems that might occur during the singing and make the right decisions based on “hearing” the music from within. It is important to note that the internalization process has to be accurate in order for the conductor to make viable decisions regarding the structure of the music. It is only after these two phases that the conductor should mark his or her score. This can be done through individual instrumental parts or the performer’s marking sheet.


Sharp, Timothy. Precision Conducting, Seven Disciplines for Excellence in Conducting. Sydney: Roger Dean, 2003.

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StudyCorgi. "Review of Chapters 1-3 in ‘Precision Conducting’ by Timothy Sharp." July 31, 2021.


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