Presentation of Change Models in Carrying out Indication-Based Training in Nursing


In nursing, revolutionary concepts have been established to investigate the phenomenon in different administrative backgrounds. Lewin’s three-step variation theory and Lippitt’s Phases and cognitive theory of Transformation model are examples of collective modification theories. This essay scrutinizes the efficiency of two revolution theories, social cognitive theory and Lewin three-step change theory, in executing indication-based exercise plans in nursing. It also compares and contrasts the two theories.

Comparison and contrast between Lewins and social cognitive change theories

Lewin’s model is logically focused, plan-oriented, and goal-oriented. It does not consider individual factors that can influence transition. On the other hand, the social cognitive theory claims that environmental stimuli, personal variables, and behavioral characteristics influence behavior change. Lewin’s ideal sort’s comprehensible sense, while the social cognitive theory studies both exterior and interior ecological aspects. The two theories, however, accept the importance of outside powers in affecting individual behavior change.

Lewin’s change theory looks at actions resulting from competing, driving, and restraining forces. It states that individuals must be self-motivated and have the self-efficacy to improve their behavior and manage their environment (Böckler et al., 2018). The social cognitive theory, on the other hand, stresses the role of the environment, personality, and attitudes in changing people’s behavior and how they relate to each other. It is based on the premise that consequences motivate actions. Due to this, the expected outcome serves as a motivator to adopt and maintain the action.

The theory that makes the most sense for implementing specific evidence-based practice (EBP) intervention and why it is the most relevant and the results gotten when nurses use either of the two theories.

Lewin’s change theory makes the utmost logic in applying evidence-based practice (EBP). This theory makes more sense to EBP since many nurses would be the motivating factor behind achieving this goal. As a result, there will be fewer participants in the resistance force, increasing the chance to prosper. This theory is the most relevant because it is more realistic and logical, considering the complex external influences present in nursing practice. Finally, nurses successfully implemented both Lewin’s and social cognitive theories. There was an improvement in health since both theories pre-warned surgical patients and reduced hypothermia events.


Al-Zboon, E. (2016). Special education teacher leadership in Jordan: Current state and constraints. Societies, 6(3), 19.

Böckler, A., Tusche, A., Schmidt, P., & Singer, T. (2018). Distinct mental training differentially affect altruistically motivated, norm motivated, and self-reported prosocial behavior. Scientific Reports, 8(1).

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