Age and Gender-Specific Preventative Healthcare Approaches

The ultimate objective of every health practice is to maximize people’s medical experiences and outcomes. Practitioners and professionals in the sector consider various approaches to diagnose, treat, or manage illnesses. The purpose of this discussion is to describe and discuss the major issues to consider when providing preventative care to different patients.

Individualized Preventive Services

Before providing personalized health support, medical experts should ask questions that can inform the best care model. The collected information is essential for identifying the right resources and theories to deliver positive results. Some of the key questions to ask include:

  • What is your age and religious belief?
  • Do you have any medical complications or illness?
  • When was the last time you sought medical services?
  • What is your education attainment level and what do you do to address medical complications?
  • Where do you live and what is your racial background?
  • What practices and personal hygiene measures do you promote?

The responses gained from the patient can guide a practitioner to identify the potential health risks he or she might be facing. The practitioner can include the person’s cultural, traditional, and past health practices in the health promotion model (Chait & Glied, 2018). The involvement of family members will ensure that the individual receives personalized preventative services.

Age and Gender

Medical professionals providing health services to different patients should be aware of their gender and age. This information is essential since it dictates the nature of the developed model. For example, a person’s age will determine the nature of instructions and health education. Younger persons will require summarized information, pictorials, and guidelines to record positive results. Adults and older patients can receive detailed education and instructions. Similarly, gender is critical since men and women tend to have diverse health expectations and risk factors (Chait & Glied, 2018).

A male patient will require befitting instructions that can guide him to overcome the potential causes of specific diseases. Females need detailed concepts that meet women’s health needs. Nurses should scrutinize these aspects from the lens of culture.

Developmental Milestones

The provision of health services to patients ensures that they record improved outcomes. The developmental milestones of patients will impact their ability to tackle health changes or take charge of their health. This happens to be the case since such as aspects will influence their physical, cognitive, social, mental abilities. Underdeveloped people will be able to wash themselves, engage in exercises, or make decisions regarding the role of immunizations (Peckham, Hann, Kendall, & Gillam, 2017). Similarly, those with higher developmental milestones will find it easier to take charge of their health and engage in activities that can protect them from various diseases.

Risk Factors

The idea of health promotion focuses on the introduction of concepts and guidelines to enable people to have control over or improve their medical outcomes. It entails the utilization of social, environmental, and personal interventions. However, this model is associated with various risk factors that can maximize the burden of different diseases. A good example is its inability to deliver uniform support and guidance to all community members (Lo, Chair, & Lee, 2015). Another one is that the approach might not meet the needs of people with learning disabilities, the elderly, and young ones.


Medical professionals should consider the unique attributes of different patients before developing the most appropriate disease prevention model. The outlined questions and ideas can guide both clinicians and patients to promote appropriate practices that can address the burden of various illnesses. Clinicians should monitor risk factors associated with health promotion to meet people’s needs.


Chait, N., & Glied, S. (2018). Promoting prevention under the Affordable Care Act. Annual Review of Public Health, 39, 507-524. Web.

Lo, S. W., Chair, S. Y., & Lee, F. K. (2015). Factors associated with health-promoting behavior of people with or at high risk of metabolic syndrome: Based on the health belief model. Applied Nursing Research, 28(2), 197-201. Web.

Peckham, S., Hann, A., Kendall, S., & Gillam, S. (2017). Health promotion and disease prevention in general practice and primary care: A scoping study. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 18(6), 529-540. Web.

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