Privilege in People’s Daily Lives

Despite an overall intention to live in an equal society, the questions about racial, class, or gender differences remain open. On the one hand, oppressed people cannot get rid of the thought that they are deprived of many things in their lives because of their skin color, gender, or ethnicity. On the other hand, eight major identity categories provoke privilege in different situations. According to Phillips and Lowery (2019), the privilege may be experienced as invisible among those who have it. Thus, in addition to the expected benefits, privilege is a challenge, and not many people are ready for it. Life in a privileged society is never simple, and it is important to understand all aspects of this concept, benefit from diversity, and accept all the necessary changes with dignity.

The impact of privilege on everyday life varies from positive achievements in certain spheres to unfair judgments of personal or professional qualities. In most cases, privilege is defined as an “unearned advantage derived from one’s group membership” (as cited in Phillips & Lowery, 2019, p. 156). America is known for its race-related privilege when native people and African Americans have to regularly protect their rights and freedoms (Phillips & Lowery, 2019). Gender inequality challenges many populations, and women continue proving their positions in society and the employment market. Privilege operates their daily lives in many ways, including salary differences, upbringing responsibilities, and education opportunities. Some people admire their privileges without thinking how difficult or dangerous this impact can be for underserved populations.

In general, it is hard to create a single attitude toward privilege and its contribution to social development and interpersonal relationships. Although some people continue removing unnecessary privileges, individuals try to use as many options as possible. Still, since privilege is an unearned advantage, it is high time to strengthen social research and find out if the eradication of privilege is possible in modern society for the common good.


Phillips, L. T., & Lowery, B. S. (2019). Herd invisibility: The psychology of racial privilege. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27(3), 156-162. Web.

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