Medication Plans for Pregnant Patients with Hypertension

Hypertension is one of the most common diseases that can be controlled with the appropriately chosen treatment. The earlier it is diagnosed, the better patient outcomes will be. However, in case a patient is pregnant, it is necessary to revise the medication plan so as to provide the best conditions for the fetus.

In the given case, the patient’s hypertension has been controlled with Prinzide. Whereas this drug is considered good for minimizing the symptoms of hypertension, it is highly recommended to stop using it as soon as pregnancy is identified (“Prinzide,” 2017). Since Prinzide affects the renin-angiotensin system, it can lead to severe injury or even the death of the fetus. Whereas the most serious negative effects are noted to impact the fetus in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, it is a good idea to stop using Prinzide as soon as the woman finds out that she is pregnant. The drug is reported to decrease the renal function of the fetus and to increase the rates of morbidity and death among newborn babies (“Prinzide,” 2017). Moreover, there is a risk of fetal skeletal deformations and hypoplasia. Only when there is no alternative way of treatment for the mother, Prinzide may be continued. However, it is crucial to evaluate the risk to the fetus and warn the mother about the possible outcomes.

There are several types of medications that may be used to manage hypertension in pregnant women without causing harm to the fetus. Brown and Garovic (2014) remark that the following hypertension drugs produce the minimal harm for the woman and the fetus: methyldopa, beta-blockers (except for atenolol), labetalol, diuretic, and slow-release nifedipine. Methyldopa is considered to be the first option preferred by doctors to control mild and moderate hypertension in pregnant women (“Methyldopa tablets,” 2017). Its safety record is high both for the fetus and the mother (Brown & Garovic, 2014). This drug does not change maternal blood flow or cardiac output, which is good for the fetus. The other drugs discussed by Brown and Garovic (2014) may have some impact on the fetus such as growth restriction, neonatal hypoglycemia, or neonatal lupus. However, there is not much evidence of such cases. Therefore, the doctors have a great choice of medications to treat hypertension in pregnant women without putting the life of the fetus at risk.

The evaluation of laboratory values is needed to exclude any complications that may impose danger for the patient or the fetus. The patient’s systolic BP is 128, which means that it is in the prehypertension phase. Her diastolic BP is within the norms. The patient’s pulse is regular, which means that the heart works well. Her potassium, BUN, and creatinine levels are normal. Alanine aminotransferase is not raised, which means that the patient’s liver functions well. Hemoglobin is within the norm, but it is necessary to control its level and not let it decrease. The rates of hematocrit and platelets count are normal, which signifies no risk of thrombocytosis or thrombocythemia.

Hypertension is a serious condition that may cause complications for the health of the fetus and the future mother. In order to minimize the risks, it is necessary to address the healthcare practitioner as soon as pregnancy is discovered. The doctor will choose the medicine that can manage hypertension and maintain the most suitable environment for the fetus.


Brown, C. M., & Garovic, V. D. (2014). Drug treatment of hypertension in pregnancy. Drugs, 74(3), 283-296.

Methyldopa tablets. (2017). Web.

Prinzide. (2017). Web.

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