Professional Nurse Leader’s Interview on Nursing Philosophy


Nurses should develop adequate skills to deliver exemplary services to their patients. They should use leadership dexterities to influence and mentor others. Leadership has emerged as an evidence-based concept that can support the delivery of superior health services. This exercise, therefore, presents new concepts that can be used by practitioners to develop better nursing leadership philosophies.

Demographic Information

The interviewee is a male nurse aged 32 years. He is of African American descent. The respondent has indicated that he has been working as a nurse for the last six years. He has worked as a nurse leader for three years. The individual has completed a bachelor’s degree in nursing. A nurse leader must have completed a four-year course in a reputable institution. A registered nurse (RN) who lacks a BSN should focus on an RN-to-BSN academic program.

The respondent has several national specialty certifications such as Certified Addictions Registered Nurse (CARN), Nurse Manager and Leader (CNML), and Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist (CCNS). The RN belongs to several professional nursing organizations such as the American Nurses Association (ANA), the National Black Nurses Association (NBNA), and the National Assembly for Men in Nursing (NAMN).

Practice Settings

The NL is working in an intensive care setting. He has worked in both oncology and pediatrics settings before. According to him, the pediatrics setting is his favorite. This is the case because the setting has empowered him to support the health needs of more children. He has also gained numerous leadership concepts from the setting. This achievement has supported his philosophy.

Reasons for Becoming a Nurse

The respondent’s childhood dream was to become a caregiver. According to the NL, the profession would make it easier for him to transform the health outcomes and experiences of more people. Additionally, his parents are social workers. Their achievements have mentored him positively. The interviewee does not regret his decision to become a practitioner.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Choosing a Nursing Career

The respondent presents several arguments to support the importance of nursing as a career. He believes that nursing is an evidence-based profession that encourages people to see the world from a different perspective. Secondly, he argues that nursing is one of the careers that can be used to make the world a better place. The advancements in the career continue to support the needs of more people. The concept of lifelong learning can guide nurses to reshape their professional goals.

The interviewee has outlined various disadvantages associated with nursing. The first one is the issue of burnout. Many determined nurses sacrifice their resources and time to maximize their patients’ outcomes. Poor remunerations and nursing shortages also affect many stakeholders in the profession.

The decision to Pursue an Advanced Role

The respondent argues that the leadership role has been pursued to achieve a professional goal. He has always wanted to take up an advanced role after joining the profession. This move has made it easier for him to develop better concepts. He uses the concepts to ensure different patients receive exemplary services.

The practitioner also believes that an advanced role can guide him to develop advanced care delivery models. For instance, he has always worked hard to ensure different followers support the end-of-life needs of their patients in the ICU. He has pursued the role to develop advanced dexterities.

Changes in the Nursing Profession

The interviewee has experienced a wide range of changes in the profession within the past five years. For example, the idea of leadership has gained much attention within the same period. Registered nurses (RNs) are empowered to take up leadership roles and maximize their patients’ outcomes. The profession has also benefited from different suggestions presented by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). More nurses are now trained to acquire new competencies and use them to support their clients.

Nursing has also been developed in such a way that advanced roles can be undertaken without the supervision of physicians. The concept of multidisciplinary teams has emerged within the past three years. Nurses are now empowered to develop healthcare delivery models capable of meeting the diverse needs of the targeted people. According to the interviewee, the future will be brighter for more practitioners. Evidence-based ideas and concepts capable of transforming the sector are emerging every single day.

Professional Goals

The NL has indicated that he has sketched out two professional goals. The first one is to pursue a master’s degree in nursing. The academic achievement will equip him with new concepts, ideas, and approaches and eventually transform his philosophy. The move will empower him to take up advanced leadership roles in different settings. The second professional goal is to start a clinic to offer high-quality medical services.

Issues Facing the Nursing Profession

Several issues facing the profession have been outlined by the respondent. To begin with, the current problem of the nursing shortage is affecting the welfare of more practitioners and their respective clients. More nurses are also focusing on new career goals or professions.

He has acknowledged that many nurses are working in inappropriate conditions. This remains the case due to a lack of adequate resources, financial support, and opportunities for career growth. The issue of autonomy in nursing is also affecting the goals and effectiveness of many NPS. The respondent, therefore, supports the need for new policies to address the critical issues affecting the profession.

Negative Incident

The only incident that has caused the respondent to question his role as a nurse leader took place immediately after assuming his new position. He realized that different followers were unwilling to follow various guidelines and instructions. They even boycotted certain activities thereby affecting the health outcomes of more patients in the ICU.

Positive Incident

After experiencing the above incident, the manager in charge of the facility guided the respondent and equipped him with various skills. Some of the skills included teamwork, compromise, decision-making, problem-solving, and lifelong learning. This moment was a turning point in his career. He has managed to implement a new leadership philosophy that supports his goals. This achievement has led to his biggest professional gratification.

Personal Reflection

RNs should have unique objectives, dexterities, and goals to succeed in their careers. The interview has challenged me to commit myself to my career. With a proper plan, it can be easier for a nurse to support the health outcomes of more clients. Constant collaboration, acquisition of new competencies, and completion of advanced roles can result in effective nursing practice.

In conclusion, the completed interview has impacted my professional and personal goals as a nurse. For instance, I have understood the importance of having long-term and short-term goals. Effectual leadership arises from lifelong learning, teamwork, and mentoring. Such attributes will now become part of my nursing philosophy.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, November 23). Professional Nurse Leader’s Interview on Nursing Philosophy.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "Professional Nurse Leader’s Interview on Nursing Philosophy." November 23, 2020.

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