Assessing Nursing Course Effectiveness: Essentials & Assignments

Effectiveness at Meeting the Program Essential

This course made me realize what it means to be a professional in multiple aspects of this notion. Firstly, I gained theoretical knowledge that set the framework, through which I could view certain aspects of my work more clearly and distinctly. For instance, I learned that beneficence, non-malfeasance, and other principles of providing care are essential and fundamental to almost every part of tending to patients’ needs. Having realized that one of the most paramount principles of a nurses’ work is to ‘do no harm,’ I reconsidered my attitude to professional conduct at present and in the future.

All of the past academic work led me to certain conclusions that will change the way I provide care to my patients. For instance, I will do my best to assess and evaluate my decisions from an ethical and legal standpoint in order to be a better advocate for a patient and not to become a liability to the clinic. This course has also strengthened my views on moral and immoral practices. Any medical professional has to be a good judge of character and possess a detailed knowledge of self in order to perform at the top of one’s capacity and deliver the best quality of care to patients (Stanley & Pollard, 2013).

Assignments to Meet the Essentials

Studying professional standards for registered nurses, I have gathered essential knowledge on what I should and should not do as a professional in order to address the clients’ health needs in a most effective manner. By reading and memorizing the propositions of legal documents on this topic, I have received sufficient information on appropriate conduct. In addition to that, I learned the importance of evidence-based practice as a guiding principle for creating and using scientific research in practice. Writing essays and reading course materials on prevention, I realized that it is of utmost significance to adjust one’s practice in a manner that teaches patients to uphold and nurture their state of health at all times.

It should also be pointed out that working on the writing assignments devoted to the exploration and critical analysis of healthcare policies provided me with a strong understanding of the basics and certain specifics of the legal suit-free operation. Therefore, all these activities and assignments communicated a balanced and well-round idea of professionalism. The course has given me the knowledge and strength to venture forth into the nursing profession with confidence.

The connection between Studies and Practical Application

In regard to connecting the dots between academic and professional experience, it should be underlined that the former will be helpful to nurses in all its complexity. One of the main points of education is to teach young professionals to think, analyze, evaluate, and choose (Flinders, 2013). The quality of the decision made by a nurse often depends on how well he or she learned to conduct those mental operations.

My academic experience was concentrated on learning principles, ways, and concepts because practice occasionally creates situations that were not discussed in the classes. Those situations could only be solved if the professional learned to think and analyze the situation properly applying the knowledge he or she has. For instance, the value of human life that should be at the base of every nurses’ conduct may guide all of their decisions in the field. Without proper education, such a concept could have been omitted or attributed to the wrong measure of significance. All in all, academic experience is tied strongly to a practical one. Together, they can shape me into the professional that I envision myself to be.


Flinders, B. A. (2013). Using the baccalaureate essentials to create context: Evaluation of an innovative approach. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 6(3), 305-310.

Stanley, M., & Pollard, D. (2013). Relationship between knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy of nurses in the management of pediatric pain. Pediatric Nursing, 39(4), 165-171.

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