Programs to Increase Physical Activity in Miami, Florida

Promoting physical activity (PA) and combating obesity represent two essential objectives in the healthcare sector. A sedentary lifestyle can result in cardiovascular disease and increase the risk of diabetes, while physical activity has proven to be effective in disease prevention and health improvement.1 In this regard, it is crucial to develop initiatives and launch programs across the US. In particular, in Miami, Florida, where I live, some national healthcare initiatives can be adapted to certain communities and implemented, in addition to many other existing ones in the state. Prompting Americans to engage in community programs aimed to increase physical activity is beneficial for the nation’s overall health.

One of the measures attempting to reduce inactivity in the US is the Exercise is Medicine (EIM) initiative. The name is quite self-explanatory since the EIM views physical activity as a cure and preventive measure for many diseases. Health professionals can promote an active lifestyle by encouraging patients to evaluate their PA level and providing counseling on meeting the national PA guidelines.2 In doing so, health care providers cooperate with exercise professionals, linking patients to health fitness organizations.2 The EIM scheme is an efficient tool for assisting individuals in improving their PA and preventing disease and obesity.

The EIM initiative is neither age- nor ethnicity-specific; instead, it aims to assist clinicians in evaluating their patients’ PA level and guiding them on how to increase it. It is convenient for working adults and families since it saves time for additional appointments and allows people to get recommendations from their doctor even during regular check-ups. Besides, the program helps incorporate PA into an individual’s routine.2 Hence, a representative of any age and ethnicity group can find it beneficial for health, convenient, and informative. However, people might be exposed to several challenges in their PA engagement: safety issues, health issues, lack of time, and personal problems.2 In particular, in Sweetwater, an area close to the FIU, some modifications can be made to the EIM initiative to better adapt it to the community’s needs. For instance, controlling crime and velocity traffic levels, improving the neighborhood walkability, and providing facilities to engage in PA can increase the community’s overall well-being.

Another initiative that can be implemented in Miami, Florida, is the High Obesity Program (HOP). It aims to improve access to healthier food and places for physical activity and uses a community-based participatory approach.3 The HOP’s primary goals include implementing strategies to promote healthy food and drinks consumption and providing opportunities for PA.3 The program uses a comprehensive method of sharing knowledge and establishing connections with partners in the communities.

The HOP is not group-specific as it addresses people of different ages and ethnic groups. However, it primarily targets low-income or rural areas and can be especially helpful for children, adults, and older adults from low-income households who require the government’s support.3 At the same time, working adults tend to have better access to food and may have a higher PA level. The benefits of the HOP its participants can find include healthier eating patterns, a more active lifestyle, and community support. Nevertheless, the challenges that need to be overcome involve poor food options, low income, inadequate transportation, insufficient number of facilities for PA, and health issues. In particular, to adapt the program to the Sweetwater community’s needs, a collaboration with retail outlets and local fitness institutions needs to be secured to provide healthy food options and convenient physical activity opportunities.

In conclusion, supporting and spreading initiatives that promote the nation’s health and well-being is critical to ensure a better life for the present and future generations. The Exercise is Medicine (EIM) initiative, and the High Obesity Program (HOP) are two examples of measures that can be adapted to the community’s needs in Miami, Florida. An implementation of the initiatives should be based on the specific needs and challenges of the neighborhood. With a sophisticated approach based on institutional cooperation, the community can actively engage in physical activity and benefit from participation in the programs.


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Bowen PG, Mankowski RT, Harper SA, Buford TW. Exercise is medicine as a vital sign: Challenges and opportunities. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine. 2019;4(1):1-7.

Kahin SA, Murriel AL, Pejavara A, O’Toole T, Petersen R. The High Obesity Program: A collaboration between public health and cooperative extension services to address obesity. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2020;17.

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