Analyzing a Budget Overrun in a School Restoration Plan

The main topic of the current letter is to discuss the budget overrun regarding the restoration of the new school tailored for disabled children. According to the primary inquiry, the technological aspect of the school support was not mentioned. Conducting the detailed analysis of the initial request, some inconsistencies were noted. The first concern is related to the setting of the ramps for wheelchairs in the school and nearby territories. The sponsor has established the 5 500 dollars for purchasing the equipment. However, the labor and the transportation were not included in the total sum (Agner, 2020). Based on the preliminary estimation, the budget exceedance regarding this question is approximately 2000 dollars.

Moreover, the school is planned to include many specialized types of equipment, ensuring the comfort and efficient development of disabled children. Most of the technologies require solid wiring. Based on the current analysis, the wiring materials and quality should be improved to build a sustainable technological system that ensures the high-quality functioning of the technologies used by disabled students (Chen & Jebril, 2021). The budged exceedance, in this case, will be over 20000 dollars. The time required for the restoration of the school is approximately two years which is half a year more than was planned. Even though the budget and time overruns are significant, ensuring comfortable conditions for disabled children is vital. This is a good investment in the development of more accessible and advanced education.


Agner, J. (2020). New facility transition and activation budget planning. In Guzman, K. (Ed.), Simplifying the Complex (pp. 47-59). Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley.

Chen, Y., & Jerbil, T. (2021). The architectural strategies of classrooms for intellectually disabled students in primary schools regarding space and environment. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 12(1), 821–835. Web.

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