Promoting Early Child Development and Learning


The Standards for Initial Early Childhood Professional Preparation provides a framework for the activities of early childhood educators. In this work, I summarize one chosen standard, explain its importance, and mention the means to learn more about this standard.

Summary and Rationale for the Chosen Standard: Promoting Child Development and Learning

Summary of the Standard

As a standard for my paper, I have selected promoting child development and learning. This standard requires early childhood professionals to understand the specifics of early childhood development, needs, and influencing factors and use this understanding to develop learning programs. The key elements of the standard include:

  • understanding the needs of a young child (age 0-8);
  • understanding the factors that influence their development and learning abilities;
  • using this knowledge to develop an effective learning environment (NAEYC 2010).

The rationale for Choosing this Standard

My decision to select this particular standard had significant reasons behind it.

First, I am aware of the importance of early development and learning for a child.

At an early age, a vital step for a child’s cognitive development takes place, and it is essential not to miss this time, for it might result in irretrievable losses in a child’s learning abilities. For instance, it is well-established that, not being taught to write and read before age 7, a child will have a hard time learning it in subsequent life.

Consequently, second, this standard has a serious influence on the curricula and programs for children at an early age. Knowing how serious is an impact of early development on subsequent life, educators develop programs with the consideration of the needs of a child and the factors that form their learning abilities.

Third, as I believe, knowing this standard will help me to become an effective childhood educator. As it is known, all teachers should advocate the optimal growth and development of a child (Tarrant et al. 2008).

Five Questions With Rationales

To expand my knowledge regarding some aspects of the standard, I have developed the following list of five questions with rationales to ask an early childhood professional.

  1. What is the importance of the standard to early childhood cognitive development? The answer will help me to understand why this standard is needed.
  2. What the connection between the standard and educational programs? The answer will help me to learn about the real impact of the standard.
  3. Are there any differences between practice and theory of the standard? The answer will help me to advocate on behalf of children and their families by showing how the standard is sometimes neglected (Barbour & Lash 2008).
  4. What are the benefits of the standard for a child? The answer will help me to understand why we need this standard.
  5. Tell me about your personal experience related to this standard. The answer will enrich my perspective (Colker, 2008).

Contact Information and Explanation for Request

Contact Information

Mohamed A. Salekh

345 West Place

St Paul, MN 55102

Email: [email protected]

Phone number: 612- 897-8764.


Dear Mr. Salekh! I am a future childhood educator, and I am currently fulfilling an assignment that requires me to examine one of the NAEYC Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs. I have selected Promoting child development and learning. I am asking you to answer my questions regarding some aspects of that standard.

Conclusion. Summary

In this work, I summarized a selected standard and examined its meaning. I also presented a list of five questions to a professional that would help me to learn more about the aspects of the standard. I included the contact information of the professional and my explanation for the request.

Reference List

Barbour, N & Lash, M 2008, ‘The professional development of the teachers of young children’, in S. Feeney, A. Galper & C. Seefeldt (eds), Continuing issues in early childhood education, Pearson, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, pp. 158-183.

Colker, LJ 2008, ‘Twelve characteristics of effective early childhood teachers’, Young Children on the Web, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 68-73.

NAEYS 2010, 2010 Standards for initial early childhood professional preparation. Web.

Tarrant, K, Greenberg, E, Kagan, SL & Kauerz, K ‘The early childhood workforce’, in S. Feeney, A. Galper & C. Seefeldt (eds), Continuing issues in early childhood education, Pearson, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, pp. 134-157.

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