Proposing a Talent Management Plan at Southwest Airlines


Recruitment is the process of identifying a match between a candidate’s skills and the requirements of the position. Personnel selection in the organization – the actions of the recruiter in relation to the candidates, in which they select, select, and keep the most suitable, with the most experience and the best qualifications from among those presented. Inexpensive external sources of recruitment can include preliminaries. This method is considered labor intensive, as in most cases it is necessary to train and supervise a young specialist, and the number of analyzed resumes is below average. If a company has a well-developed training system, preliminaries are one of the most promising methods.


The cheapest method of recruitment is recruitment by personal contacts and recommendations from employees working in the company. The disadvantage of this method is that there is a risk of hiring an unqualified employee without experience, moreover, the number of questionnaires, in this case, is limited to dozens. Social networks, and the Internet is the most current method of recruiting and selecting staff (Werner, 2021). This method is record-breaking in the number of analyzed resumes, (more than a thousand) the percentage of accepted questionnaires for further consideration. Nevertheless, the decision time in this source is considerable in comparison to the first two sources.

The most common methods used in personnel selection are the interview or the interview. During this procedure, the employer tries to get as much information as possible. Based on the experience of various organizations, one can conclude that the results of the first interview of the same person can be completely opposite with a second session (Kasım Kiracı & Kıymet Tunca Çalıyurt, 2022). Consequently, this method is not objective enough and time-consuming.

An equally used method is the questionnaire, which is necessary to check the knowledge, experience, and achievements of the future employee. Questioning is conducted in the form of a test or assignment. After the questionnaire, the recruiter makes a conclusion about the candidate. The main difficulty in developing tests and questionnaires is the development separately for each position. However, the accuracy of this method is much higher than the previous one.

The three main methods of selecting pilots are the technical interview, individual psychological testing, and team aptitude testing. All of these methods are legitimate and meet ethical criteria. In terms of usefulness, each of the methods of pilot evaluation is of particular importance. Technical interviews help assess basic training, while psychological testing allows the manager to predict the candidate’s actions in stressful situations. Teamwork skills testing is necessary to understand the pilot’s subordination and delegation skills. All methods are reliable because they are based on clear quantitative criteria (Kasım Kiracı & Kıymet Tunca Çalıyurt, 2022). Validity is least assured in psychological testing, where the sub-subjective factor is most important. Improving the quality of aviation personnel training involves the use of modern integrated simulators for training flight and control personnel and practicing the skill of parrying possible special situations. Moreover, the use of modern means and methods of control of the crew’s actions in flight, as well as the development of high-quality flight operation documentation and training programs for aircraft crew members are popular.

In order to organize flight crew training in accordance with international standards it is important to recommend to airlines to work on simulators, which is the most effective, but at the same time the most expensive. An important aspect of training is the organization of control over the current activity of personnel, but this approach has great risks in terms of efficiency because subjectivity begins to play a role. The third recommended method is acquaintance of employees with regulations and documentation, but such work is not always effective because it is monotonous.

Balanced Scorecard system makes the whole strategy of the company transparent to all participants of the management process. The system of KPI (key performance indicators) and their target values makes business strategy available to all participants of the management process. The use of such a system makes it possible to eliminate possible discrepancies between the corporate strategy and management methods applied at different levels of the enterprise (Werner, 2021). The recommended method for Southwest Airlines is to work in the KPI system, as it is more valid and reliable due to the prevailing quantitative assessment. Ensuring the congruity of this system is possible due to the careful development of the criteria system. Moreover, this system forms a very clear hierarchy in the delegation of authority and helps to control the process of achieving the global goal of the Company.


The main ways to reduce staff turnover include ensuring quality recruitment, programs for professional and career development of employees, as well as an open system of remuneration. All of them are effective only when they work together. If quality recruitment is not implemented transparently, the company can develop an unpleasant reputation among competitors. At Southwest Airlines, special emphasis can be placed on developing a corporate culture. While receiving a high salary in a developing company, it will be important for employees to understand that they are part of the mission, share the main values, traditions and rituals of the organization. This factor is important for those companies where the pilot already feels financial and basic psychological satisfaction.


Kasım Kiracı, & Kıymet Tunca Çalıyurt. (2022). Corporate Governance, Sustainability, and Information Systems in the Aviation Sector. Springer Nature.

Werner, J. (2021). Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management. Opportunities for the Aviation Industry. GRIN Verlag.

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