Psychoactive Substances Using Discussion

Psychoactive substances or psychotropics are substances that directly affect the brain, including changes in feelings, behavior, cognition, mood, or motor functions. Many of these substances are illegal in most countries, but there is a big part of them that people can buy in regular stores. However, things like cigarettes which include nicotine and different sleeping pills or sedatives, are age-restricted or prescribed by the doctor. Still, psychoactive substances, like alcohol and various drugs, remain the leading causes of addiction to people around the world and especially in the U.S.

Many different sources affect people forming the psychoactive substances’ points of view and attitudes. However, I learned most of the information I know from the Internet and other modern sources. In my opinion, my attitude about psychoactive substances was influenced by my family. As a result, because of my parents’ awareness of psychotropics and their choice not to abuse alcohol and be careful with every substance that affects the human body I am able to choose wisely. Even non-narcotic psychoactive substances, such as sedatives, coffee, and Puer tea, can be dangerous for human health because of caffeine and other compounds. Caffeine is in the same group of psychotropics as cocaine, called stimulants, and alcohol is an example of a depressant. Sleeping pills and sedatives can also be dangerous and addictive in significant amounts.

Now I choose to be prudent in everything I consume, even when society is not. Another source of influence is my environment, including my classmates and other friends. I was lucky to meet people my age who are educated and deliberate in their attitude. However, from my childhood, I heard many stories about drug addicts and their unfortunate deaths. Even though modern drug addicts are portrayed much differently in movies nowadays, it still significantly impacts me. That is why the course did not change me but only strengthened my mind.

Every substance in the list of top ten most common addictions in America is psychoactive. It is known that “approximately fifty million American residents are addicted to some form of a tobacco product, and almost fifteen million aged twelve and over struggle with an alcohol use disorder in the United States” (Murphy, 2022). Understanding this topic is vital for people of every age. People need to start talking about psychotropics with their children as early as possible. Statistically, “nine out of ten smokers start smoking before they turn eighteen” (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2022). That is the reason why they must know the truth to make deliberate decisions.

My children will know what psychoactive substances are and the possible consequences they may bring. Studies show that children told by their parents about drugs are less likely to use them (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2022). Even though the Internet is the primary source of information for the young generation, it is vital for parents to invest in their children. Alcohol can also become a problem for teenagers because “about ten percent of twelve-year-old children say they have tried alcohol, but by age fifteen, that number jumps to fifty percent (SAMHSA, 2022). It is never too late to talk about topics that can save their lives.

To conclude, I learned about myself that psychoactive substances should be limited for my family and me because of how addictive and dangerous they can be. I want to be prudent and deliberate in what I consume, including essential products from stores like coffee. Every substance that affects the brain can become addictive and change people’s lives on the wrong side.


Murphy, E. (2022). What are the top ten most common addictions? Recovered. 

SAMHSA. (2022). Why You Should Talk With Your Child About Alcohol and Other Drugs. SAMHSA. 

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2022). Talk to your kids about tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. My Health Finder.

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