Psychological Statistics and Research Design

Psychological statistics are of particular interest to study, as they can provide helpful information. The central concept of this approach is to explain all psychological postulates using formulas, theorems, and numbers. A productive area of research design, which is the goal of this work, can be used for the study. Thus, the scientific paper aims to study the concept of research design based on the article by Asenahabi called “Basics of research design: A guide to selecting an appropriate research design,” which can provide high-quality basic information about the topic.

Research design plays one of the most important roles when writing a study, as it helps shape the experiment’s course. Moreover, following the goals and objectives of scientific work, its precise definition can contribute to obtaining the most positive results. To better understand what this component of academic work is, articles on the Google Scholar web resource were studied. In the end, an Asenahabi source called “Basics of research design: A guide to selecting appropriate research design” was chosen. Analyzed literary work gave an alternative definition stating that “research design is the overall plan for connecting the conceptual research problems to the pertinent and achievable empirical research” (Asenahabi, 2019, p. 77). In addition, the value of this article is that it provides information about the types of research design, what it includes, and in which cases one or another type will be most effective.

Henceforth, it can be concluded that the source chosen for this research paper is reliable. This is due to the validity and relevance of the data provided and follows the standards of writing scientific papers. It emphasizes the importance of choosing the right research design and describes in detail the examples of each subtype. Therefore, by stating this information, it can be emphasized that the article by Asenahabi is a vital valid source and can be a good source in the academic arena.


Asenahabi, B. M. (2019). Basics of research design: A guide to selecting appropriate research design. International Journal of Contemporary Applied Researches, 6(5), 76-89.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, April 7). Psychological Statistics and Research Design.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Psychological Statistics and Research Design." April 7, 2023.

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