Stephen Hawking: Outstanding Physicist and Cosmologist

It is certain that Stephen Hawking was someone with exceptional abilities to ask questions and figure out answers even if no one before has managed to do so. However, an essential factor that has established Hawking as a genius was the desire to ask “Why?”. Based on Hawking’s academic experience, he was exceptional when it came to working on something unique rather than applying factional knowledge in practice. Thus, it is fair to say that even as a beginner, Hawking was more interested in solving mysteries than learning about the already known answers to scientific questions. This curiosity and desire to discover something never discovered before drive scientists like Hawking to influence the world on such a significant level.

Hawking’s studies on quantum physics, cosmology and black holes, in particular, were revolutionary and are still considered some of the essential works in natural sciences. Specifically, A Brief History of Time, which became a bestseller despite the fact that it is a book on natural sciences, referred to Hawking’s theory of black holes emitting radiation. Thus, the research was not only revolutionary for astronomers and other scientists in regards to having a new perspective on the universe but also for the general public who was introduced to some key scientific concepts through Hawking’s studies and publications.

Scientific thinking has changed based on the theories rationalized by ancient philosophers in comparison to modern scientists such as Einstein and Hawking. Specifically, before scientific studies relied on experimentation, comparison, evidence, and current knowledge on the subject, any philosopher was able to come up with a theory that would be impossible to prove. However, the published studies which are being developed currently have to have an evidence-based assumption or theory. Thus, the constant cycle of questions that scientists are eager to answer is being examined through the lens of existing theories and scientific knowledge. This minimizes the risk of misinformation and maximizes the possibility of scientific breakthroughs.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, April 2). Stephen Hawking: Outstanding Physicist and Cosmologist.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Stephen Hawking: Outstanding Physicist and Cosmologist." April 2, 2023.

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