Public Art: Painting on the Ground in Times Square

My public art project is a painting on the ground in Times Square, imaging the planet Earth, around which representatives of various cultures are depicted holding hands. This art project has an inspiring function. Multiculturalism, which implies a plurality of mutual influences while maintaining national integrity as the basis of consciousness, creates unlimited opportunities for art to comprehend various ethnic traditions as an organic part of the general history of world art. Thus, the purpose of this project, representing the diverse community culture of Baytown, is to support the idea of multiculturalism. This art object projects a world of imaginary realities, built in such a way as to focus people’s attention on those moral, ethical, and aesthetic issues that are actualized in this work. The problems raised are presented in a bright, emotionally colored form, initiating a response emotional experience of viewers, teaching them on this example, and causing them to strive to emulate the depicted images.

In turn, as for the subject, the multicultural way of life in Baytown in particular and in the United States, in general, has an ancient history and rich traditions. For many years, representatives of various ethnic groups and races lived together on this land, the relationship between which developed in different ways. Therefore, for the community, this art object has a symbolic meaning. It symbolizes the end of strife and reflects the unity, mutual respect, equality, and solidarity of all peoples and ethnic groups. An important achievement of the community is the association of all ethnic groups living in the country around a single ideology that enjoys universal trust and respect.

This art object is a painting on the ground in Times Square. An important feature is the image of all races and ethnic groups that compose the local community. It is full of bright colors that give rise to vivid images and positive emotions in the viewer. It seems that no one can remain indifferent since this will awaken good thoughts in everyone.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, March 9). Public Art: Painting on the Ground in Times Square.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Public Art: Painting on the Ground in Times Square." March 9, 2023.


StudyCorgi. "Public Art: Painting on the Ground in Times Square." March 9, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Public Art: Painting on the Ground in Times Square." March 9, 2023.

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