Public Corruption in the Field of Criminal Justice

Corrupt judicial and policing systems hinder the success of anti-corruption efforts in various states. Morally compromised justice sectors have crippled institutional frameworks for curbing deception. The extreme effects of corruption undermine the rule of law and avert sustainable development. Essentially, the act compromises the principles of integrity, independence, equality, and impartiality, which are the primary prerequisites for creating a functional and effective judicial system. Each state should establish an independent and effective system that protects human rights and promote access by all people, while providing transparent and objective services. Thus, the police play fundamental roles in maintaining security and peace. The given scenarios depict a corrupt judicial system, where law enforcement officers are engaged in immoral conducts. This essay presents an application assessment, evaluating the officers’ actions based on ethical models.

Scenario 1: Corrections Office Accused of Improper Conduct with Inmate

This incident occurs in Milwaukee County, where a female warden named Cindy Bartoshevich is accused of having an illegal affair with an inmate called Michael Carroll. The officer engaged in a major misconduct, according to the Baltimore Police (2018). This category of misbehavior is appropriate when the criminal ends up being suspended from work without pay, face termination, or demotion as per policies 302 and 310 (Baltimore Police, 2018). The classification covers the following allegations: domestic violence, false arrest, unjust policing, failure to supervise, retaliation, planting evidence, sexual misconduct, and false accusation.

From the case study, Cindy Bartoshevich engaged in a major misconduct, behavior unbecoming a police officer. She deserves suspension from work for up to one year without payment. Moreover, the correctional officer should receive a last chance agreement form, warning her that engaging in a similar behavior in the future will lead to immediate demotion. To receive this discipline, the correctional department needs to show that Bartoshevich was aware that her misconduct was prohibited and it could lead to a serious consequence. The pre-employment agreements should include such rules to guide employees in the correctional system. The regulations must be interpretable by the workers who should abide by them.

The type of corruption presented in Bartoshevich’s case is rotten apple/rotten barrels. A rotten apple represents a weak individual who succumbs to the trials inherent in the workplace. It also refers to a person who proceeds with their deviant behaviors in a particular environment. Similarly, rotten barrels represent officers with unsavory criminal conducts, disregarding employment and workplace laws. Since Bartoshevich demonstrated a misguided approach to a prisoner’s control, policy and procedures, apart from training, are the best mitigation measures to prevent similar acts in the future (WISN 12 News, 2007). Tighter policies provide warnings for misconduct, while training enables the correctional officers to maintain knowledge and capacity in their professions.

Scenario 2: Video Shows Cuyahoga County Mentally Ill Inmate after Turning off Body Camera

This case presents two correctional officers disabling a camera and torturing a mentally ill inmate. The victim’s situation could not allow him to defend himself and he remained lying in a chair. The perpetrators engaged in intentional misconduct, which refers to the willful abuse of the rights and safety of the prisoner (Baltimore Police, 2018). The act is harmful to the wellbeing of the victim and it deserves serious penalties. It is intentional because the officer knew that he would not be recorded if he turned off the body camera (Ferrise, 2018). Thus, having that knowledge at the time of conduct that it would harm the inmate and subject the officer to deterrence is intentional misbehavior.

As stated earlier, the two correctional officers deserve a serious punishment, including suspension from work for up to one month, without receiving salary. Moreover, they should be reassigned from specialty unit to have more time to interact with new members and work with them to reduce criminal behaviors. They should also be demoted from their current ranks to previous positions, in addition to keeping a disciplinary letter in their personnel files. Lower ranks are associated with greater psychological stresses, which aim to punish an officer who allegedly misused their current positions. Mandatory training is also necessary to update them on the relevant techniques and procedures to follow at the workplace, as well as subjecting them to intensive physical activities with encouragement and supervision from an instructor.

The correctional officers can be best described as rotten barrels, whereby corruption manifests itself from a few immoral and dishonest wardens. As such, they had to disable a camera to act unethically against a sick inmate (Ferrise, 2018). Greater supervision, training, and support for whistleblowers are the primary solutions to this case. Through training, the officers will learn the ethical concepts available for their role, while greater supervision will promote safe custody and welfare of prisoners. Supporting whistleblowers is instrumental in reporting abuse, especially for the vulnerable victims such as sick people.

Scenario 3: Probation Officer Accused of Secretly Recording a Teen who was House-Sitting

Ruiz, a probation officer at El Dorado County allegedly recorded two women without their consent. He engaged in a misconduct that can be excused according to Baltimore Police (2018). It is illegal to infringe on an individual’s right to privacy, and the officer’s action assumes a criminal liability. The officer should receive a one-year counseling letter in his personnel file. This document will advise him on the court’s rules and provide a basis for additional follow-up on investigations. It is also used to monitor the crimes a probation officer has committed, their kinds, and the period of occurrence. Further, it is necessary to retrain him to reduce misconduct.

Ruiz’s case depicts noble cause corruption, which implies the use of unethical means to achieve personal desires. The officer seems to be convinced of his righteousness and he is using his power without the consent of the plaintiffs (Sacramento County, 2019). The best strategies to control this type of corruption include policy, procedures, and training. Individualized development in form of training is essential to increase and disseminate knowledge about corruption control, as well as to update the officer on the relevant techniques needed to prevent crimes.


In summary, the perpetrators in the three scenarios undermine principle of integrity, independence, and equality, which are the primary prerequisites for creating a functional and effective judicial system. Bartoshevich participated in a major misconduct- conduct unbecoming a police officer. She should be suspended from work for up to one year without payment and receive a last chance agreement letter. On the other hand, Cuyahoga County Jail officer engaged in intentional misconduct. He should receive suspension from work for up to one month, without receiving salary. Moreover, he should be reassigned from specialty unit, and be demoted from their current ranks to previous positions, apart from keeping a disciplinary letter in their personnel files. Rotten barrels corruption is evident from scenario two and the remedies include greater supervision, training and support for whistleblowers. The probation officer engaged in a misconduct that can be excused. He should receive a one-year counseling letter in his personnel file. Noble cause corruption is evident from his case, and the correctional department should implement policy and procedure, as well as training to control the behavior.


Baltimore Police. (2018). OPR classification protocol. Web.

Ferrise, A. (2019). Video shows Cuyahoga County Jail officer pummel mentally-ill inmate after turning off body camera. Cleveland. Web.

Sacramento County. (2019). Probation officer accused of secretly recording a teen who was house sitting. Web.

WISN 12 News. (2007). Correction officer accused of improper conduct with inmate [Video]. YouTube.

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