Evaluating Criminal Gun Laws Through Literature Review

The current issues of the world are centered on peace and proper conditions for the life of people. One of the controversial and problematic arguments of the present day is gun control laws. There are those who are convinced that allowing more guns to be in production and usage will create a better, safer world. The opposing view is that allowing guns will spiral the world into a constant war zone.

In reality, weapons and numerous firearms are controlled by people and can be seen as any other tool or piece of machinery that is used in industry or many aspects of life. The moral stand point on the matter is that there are already enough guns in the world and more should not be allowed. According to the article titled “Pulling the Trigger: Evaluating Criminal Gun Laws in a Post-Heller World” allowing more lenient gun control laws will change the world by shifting people’s lives to a panic and constant thinking about protection.

The easy and quick access to a firearm means that people will be more inclined and ready to use it. Statistics show that there are many complications in properly understanding and enforcing gun laws and people cannot even imagine the consequences of one or the other policy. The world is becoming a disturbed place where people’s understanding of what is right or wrong is very much affected by the current affairs internationally.

There are more people who feel that usage of guns against other people is acceptable and certain individuals should be punished. The laws state that people can use weapons for protection if their immediate life or well being are in danger but unfortunately, people have different levels of judgment and what is dangerous to one person can be seen as not to another. The situation very much determines behavior and sometimes, people panic and act on an impulse or fear that is not really justified (Golimowski 2012).

There is also controversy on the specific nature of gun laws and how they are interpreted. The meaning sometimes shifts from one regulation to the next and it can become confusing to law enforcement agencies and people. The whole judicial system will be filled with changes and add-ons because there will be numerous places that will have different and unique environments, and laws will have to be made to control guns usage and possession in that specific location. There is no doubt that some areas are very dangerous and people will be and feel safer if they have a weapon they can use for self-defense.

The end result is that people should be thoroughly interviewed and their reasons for a weapon should be closely considered. If they can prove to the controlling agency that their life is in danger or their work is such that they might be met with violence from certain individuals, guns would be a useful tool to them. The modern world is very much centered on a compromise and people expect to be understood and treated equally. There are always alternatives that can be used, such as rubber bullets, gas projectiles or paralyzing substances. The simple fact that guns are present and became a part of everyday world is real and to say otherwise would not be beneficial to anybody.

Another article titled “The Effectiveness of Legislation Controlling Gun Usage: A Holistic Measure of Gun Control Legislation”starts out by giving statistics that “In 2000, almost 30,000 persons died from firearm injuries in the United States, more than the number of deaths from HIV, alcohol abuse, or drug abuse” (Baack 2005). These numbers are certainly alarming and the real cause should be analyzed to figure out the solution to the problem.

Again, the nature of gun control laws and specific legislation is raised. Current research is focused on the correlation between the amount of knowledge people have about guns and how many items were purchased. The simple fact that people are becoming more aware and demanding of their rights, has created a stir in the population that is addressed to the government. In the end, the government is responsible for what happens in the country and what laws are made or changed.

The outcome is the same; laws must be strict and straightforward, so that people understand them and are able to use their firearms for specific purposes. It might be inevitable to stop the movement for more lenient laws for gun possession but it must not be made easy for people to get a gun. There must be meticulous registration of the person, background checks and then, the monitoring of the individuals, in case any suspicious activity arises. Firearms are a very dangerous part of equipment but so are knives, pens, pieces of glass and other possible weapons, so it is up to the people to control themselves.

Gun laws exist to show people the proper way of using the laws and products that are available. The public must be controlled and educated on the gun laws, which seems to be one of the most reasonable avenues.

Works Cited

Baack, Daniel. “The Effectiveness of Legislation Controlling Gun Usage: A Holistic Measure of Gun Control Legislation”. The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 64.2 (2005): n. pag. Web.

Golimowski, Jeff. “Pulling the Trigger: Evaluating Criminal Gun Laws in a Post-Heller World”. American Criminal Law Review, 49.3 (2012): n. pag. Web.

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