Pursuit of Happiness and Changeling Films Comparison

Pursuit of Happiness is a film story of Chris, which express his quest for success and rise through diverse challenges while growing up in a low-income family. Most of the facts in the film explain aspects of self-motivation, gripping challenges that concur with adversity, and facing real-world problems in life of Chris. Most of his intentions create an element of joy and happiness, more so by emulating a friend who was a banker. In contrast, the changeling is the other film based on an old American crime story where Angelina plays the essential role of a single mother with Christine. The film revolves around aspects of the social injustice that Angeline and her son face. These difficulties create a path to triumph and joy when Collins tenaciously demands fairness in the constant search for his son. Therefore, the essay compares the two movies, explaining detailed opinions on the characters’ joy and unhappiness in the film story.

Pursuit of Happiness is a film story of a struggling salesman who never gave up trying to find true happiness for himself and his son. Chris is faced with different challenges in his life, but he has to overcome them to succeed against some of the odds. Joy is expressed in Chris’s quest for success in his career, though he faces different challenges. The issue of unhappiness occurs in the story when Chris represents an aspect of the single homeless level his family faced when raised on the streets. Joy arises when his dream of financial success occurs (“The Pursuit of Happiness,” minutes 25.70-26.40). The movie is a story that expresses an aspect of motivation and concurs with joy and unhappiness as Chris faced both in his real life with his family. Happiness occurs when Chris can overcome challenges and obtain adversity on change.

Joy occurs in the film when Chris decides to focus on his pursuit despite many dark and challenging moments. Chris’s choice was more optimistic and brought joy to his family based on his decision to push forward to achieve success. It is an issue that ultimately leads to the aspect of being happy and focusing on power on an unfavorable level. The other element of unhappiness occurs when Chris clings on a tenacious level with the hope of his hard work and does not work out due to misfortune and the search for power changes from his powerful father-son bond.

Changeling’s film provides a narrative of unfailing hope, which creates unhappiness in the characters involved and his mother’s love, who now indulges joy for her son overcoming the pain and suffering faced in the tragedy of mysterious disappearance. Eastwood uses cinematography to incorporate fun seen in emotions, movements, and intentions after meeting with her son. This outcome gives out the contrasting intensity that foreshadows the opinion of pleasure. In the movie, unhappiness arises in the coloring of the blue tone, showing the symbolic aspect of despairing blood. On this level, Angelina was unhappy due to her child’s disappearance and unfolding decisions made indecisive manners.

In the Changeling film, joy occurs in the state where Angelina attempts to get justice, bringing her into peace and minimal protection confined to his reputation. She continues to build that joy through having a specified interest that concurs with her interest in the mental effects of the family members (“Changeling Full movie” min 58. 30-59.50). However, unhappiness arose when there was a lambasting aspect of corruption and lazy police who took powers to care for the safe return and find changes that led to the realization of worrying.

In both movies, joy and unhappiness have been expressed where specified interest occurs on the character level and how real-life facts work. Chris has expressed happiness and sadness through his interactive level of education, relationship, and overall work, fully expressing his overall life and how conformity levels out some ideas. The realization of Angeline’s challenges together with her son has described the view of how joy and unhappiness work until adversity reflects impressively.

Works Cited

“The Pursuit of Happiness Full Movie /Will Smith /Columbia Pictures” YouTube, uploaded by Dramadevils, 2021. Web.

“Changeling Full movie Angelina Jolie movies” YouTube, uploaded by maddalenadenny V339, 2021. Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Pursuit of Happiness and Changeling Films Comparison." June 6, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/pursuit-of-happiness-and-changeling-films-comparison/.

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