Qualitative Evaluation of the Case Study


Gradual alcohol consumption limitation is about the clinical and mental consideration of patients who are encountering withdrawal side effects because of stopping or diminishing their substance use. The process of withdrawal incorporates not just lessening of the physiological and mental problems caused by the restraint in habitual behavior (Kougiali et al., 2017). In addition, intervention can lead to ongoing impulsive substance abuse in people. Most frequently, individuals with chronic drug or alcohol use have physical health, work, law abiding, family, and mental problems (Kougiali et al., 2017).

For instance, Rachel introduced in treatment with the work-related issue of joblessness, difficulty following the law, condemning, detachment, and mental issues that incorporate discouragement, illusionary thoughts, self-destructive considerations, and nervousness. Those battling with addictions construct a populace confronting numerous mental and social issues which can adversely affect their personal satisfaction. With negative considerations removed, Rachel would now be able to handle her liquor and chronic drug use issue.

Likewise, there are unfriendly impacts on a dependent person’s wellbeing, which has social and financial complications on the worldwide level. The primary target of the proposed study in the assessment of Goal Attainment Scale is to reduce drink intake to one glass of beer or three tots of spirits each day. Rachel’s fundamental issue is her liquor and medication misuse. Her issue with keeping balance is by all accounts a reason for other ruinous conduct since she centers around her unfortunate propensities when attempting to improve her condition. As it was referenced previously, it is moderately harder to access and buy cocaine because of its illicitness.

Damage decreasing process focuses on meeting the patient where they are at diminishing the negative outcomes of substance use. This could include tolerating objectives of moderate use or use for more secure conditions. The initial stage of this intervention tries to help Rachel limit the amount of the drink intake, and later aims to assist her in fully refusing any type of alcohol.

Qualitative Design

Together with the change scores of the drink reduction scale, it is planned to base the study on the close observation by conducting periodical qualitative interviews and surveys on the patient. It is especially effective in the qualitative research where the response of the participant to precisely evaluate the chosen method to help Rachel. This is chosen to analyze the effect of the method of gradually decreasing the drink consumption on Rachel. In order to ensure the intervention is proceeding in a right way it is significant to record the condition and results of the patient.

Methods of Initial Data Collection

Before beginning the limitation of alcohol consumption, Rachel will need to answer a questionnaire about her drinking patterns, mental and physical state in detail. Then, each week she will be asked the same questions to fill out to track her progress. The counsellor should track down all the changes to timely note if there is regression, no change, or a progression of the case (ASAM Quality Improvement Council, 2020).

The first set of question would ask about the amount and type of alcohol intake over each day of the week. Another set would ask about the overall wellbeing of the patient. Her emotional state and mood, and performance at work should also be recorded to make sure that the rehabilitation is proceeding smoothly. Questions ought to be of an open-end nature to obtain much detail and importance from the interviewee as could be expected (ASAM Quality Improvement Council, 2020). Below is the table of pre-intervention and post-intervention questions for the patient which she would have to fill out.

Table 1. Pre- and post- intervention questions for the patient.

Questions Day of the intervention Answer Before the intervention answer
How many glasses of beer did you drink for the whole day?      
How many tots of spirits did you have for the whole day?      
What is your overall wellbeing?   Calm and Positive
Moderate level of anxiety but still positive
High level of anxiety and neutral attitude
High level of anxiety and negative attitude
Indicate the level of difficulty to decrease the amount of drink   Easy
Very difficult
Is there any complains about your physical health over the day?      
Any comments on your emotional state during the day?      
How do you feel yourself after each intake of alcohol?      
Do you have any other comments about your state?      
How do you handle yourself during work?      
How do you handle yourself while performing routine tasks?      
Do you feel that the method is helping you to get better?      

Evidence based Selection of Intervention

While the current clinical methods center around substance intake limitations, specialists underscore that gradual alcohol withdrawal alone is anything but a successful treatment for liquor use problem. Gradual limitation of a substance need not be conceptualized as a discrete clinical help, yet rather as a segment of the way toward starting and drawing in patients in treatment for liquor use issue.

Since Rachel has been a substantial liquor and medication client, unexpected end of utilization isn’t suggested as it will adversely affect her life. The principle methodology will include lessening the quantity of beverages devoured bit by bit until this number will zero. It is suggested that a definitive objective is for liquor utilization to arrive at zero since individuals with previous liquor abuse may think that its hard to keep up their drinking propensities inside adequate levels.

Results and data Analysis

Rachel had severe alcohol addiction problems prior the intervention where specialists helped her to reduce the amounts of drink per day. After 2 weeks of the gradual withdrawal of alcohol, she was able to control her craving for alcohol and reached the state where she had almost no thoughts of the substance. The provided table below is the gathered response after 24 days of continual limitation on liquor, work with me advising and supporting her, and her proceeding with the simple work to keep her busy from negative thoughts about bad habits. I interpreted her negative attitude change as an indicator of the method being efficient.

She has made tremendous progress over the intervention and was able to reduce the amount of the alcohol close to the set goal by GAS which was one glass of beer or three tots of spirits each day. Even though she has a lot less amounts of drinks, she still has more than it was expected (1 glass of beer AND 2 tots of spirits). Despite of this, she indicates the improvement in the mental and physical state. She is able to concentrate on the regular tasks and her overall attitude has changed to a more positive scale. She does not experience any anxiety during work as she did before gradual cessation.

Table 2. Pre- and post- intervention answers of the patient.

Questions Day of the intervention Answer Before the intervention answer
How many glasses of beer did you drink for the whole day? 24 1 glass 3 glasses
How many tots of spirits did you have for the whole day? 24 2 tots 5 tots
What is your overall wellbeing? 24 Moderate level of anxiety but still positive High level of anxiety and negative attitude
Indicate the level of difficulty to decrease the amount of drink 24 Moderate Very difficult
Is there any complains about your physical health over the day? 24 None Headache, shaking hands, nausea
Any comments on your emotional state during the day? 24 I feel a lot calmer during the day I feel like I am out of control
How do you feel yourself after each intake of alcohol? 24 I am released from the guilt I had after the drink. Now it is easier to accept my behavior. guilty
Do you have any other comments about your state? 24 no no
How do you handle yourself during work? 24 I have more concentration at small tasks and do not worry as much as in the beginning I cannot concentrate and small tasks irritate me
How do you handle yourself while performing routine tasks? 24 I can handle myself well I cannot perform simple tasks due to my drunken state
Do you feel that the method is helping you to get better? 24 Yes

Discussion, Limitation, and Next Steps

Rachel shows great development from the start of her treatment from alcoholism. She was able to decrease the amount of drink she takes in her routine life. She demonstrates that she is able to perform regular tasks without serious control problems. The chosen intervention proved to be efficient on the patient since the gradual limitation of the alcohol to one glass of beer or three tots of spirits per day helped the patient to resolve the issue with substance abuse without harsh exclusion of the drink all at once. This way it was easier to give up her addiction problems. It is a personalized approach with the supportive counseling which likely caused the reduction in the drink intake.

The limitation of the method is that it hard to control Rachel’s access to alcohol and it is not easy to predict her response to dosage change. There is always a possibility of relapse and methods to maintain the intervention are not always efficient. It is too early to make any assured assumption regarding the method. Discontinuing sobriety does not just distinguish the disappointment of a person to agree with a particular treatment or disappointment of the actual treatment. Change does not seem to happen following treatment and there is no panacea for habit, or pill for recuperation.

In this specific situation, it tends to be contended that backslide and brokenness can be essential for the interaction of progress itself. Therefore, there must be post-treatment session which would secure the long-term sobriety. After reducing the amount of alcohol and leading it to no consumption at all, Rachel should start her treatment from Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder with a psychotherapist. It is advised that the patient continues working at the proposed place so she can keep her achievements on track and stays socialized. Overall, it is predicted that further treatment should become easier with the resolution of addiction problems.


ASAM Quality Improvement Council. (2020). The ASAM Clinical Practice Guideline on Alcohol Withdrawal Management. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 14(3S), 1–72. 

Kougiali, Z. G., Fasulo, A., Needs, A., & Van Laar, D. (2017). Planting the seeds of change: Directionality in the narrative construction of recovery from addiction. Psychology & Health, 32(6), 639–664. 

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StudyCorgi. "Qualitative Evaluation of the Case Study." August 24, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/qualitative-evaluation-of-the-case-study/.


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