Quality Management Principles: Easy vs. Challenging Aspects


Quality management principles are designed to make it easier for companies to administer and set up their business. They are the basis for the certification of organizations according to ISO 9001 standards (Abuhav, 2017). This way, the best companies that do their job well can be recognized. This, in turn, increases motivation and improves the organization’s focus on profitability and corporate success. Each company must constantly systematically increase the quality of service delivery and personnel management.

Without these actions, the firm will not be able to progress and be the necessary competition in the market (Bravi et al., 2019). Thus, a business must adhere to the principles of quality management. However, among all the rules of the standard, some may be more difficult to implement and some, on the contrary, easier.

Main Body

Of the eight principles of quality management, customer focus may be the easiest to implement. This parameter is significant for organizations as it usually determines how successful and profitable a business will be (Castro & Teixeira, 2020). This happens because if the company does not focus on the requirements and wishes of its customers, then they stop using its services.

This principle is the easiest because it requires less effort than the others. To implement it, the organization must create a special internal bureau to monitor the market and identify trends in a particular industry, assuming what people might like. In this way, preference studies allow management to adjust the direction of their organization and direct it correctly.

Another easy-to-implement principle is to provide qualified leads that will provide good motivation for the company. Managers are one of the main factors of progress and, therefore, must be professionals in their field of activity. Characterization of their presence can be easily ensured by hiring a qualified, ready-made leader or upgrading the skills of the current one (Abuhav, 2017). Through such actions, the correct operation of the entire system of the organization is ensured, allowing you to achieve the firm’s goals more effectively. Strong leaders must ensure that all the rules and principles of work are respected while achieving profitability.

In contrast to the easy-to-implement principle of focusing on customers, the process approach is the most difficult for the company. This parameter is determined by the efficiency and productivity of the organization, which is necessary to achieve the goals (Castro & Teixeira, 2020). This principle mainly depends on the employees of the organization. In this case, the task of managers is to motivate staff and set up an effective corporate organization (Abuhav, 2017).

These tasks are not simple and require an integrated approach to implementation. One way to do this is to create corporate ethics in the company. This process requires a detailed study of the personal characteristics of each employee to identify commonalities and agree on a program of norms of conduct.

The second principle, which is challenging to implement in the firm’s work, can be called ongoing improvements. This process requires the constant development of new plans and strategies for the firm, which is associated with specific difficulties. Creating the right strategies and motivated staff is impossible without qualified employees and a management team.

To implement a mechanism for continuous improvement, it is necessary to create a department that will analyze the market features of the company and design suitable business models to maintain market share (Bravi et al., 2019). This is a complex process that cannot be quickly implemented in an organization.


In conclusion, it is important to note that all eight principles of successful company management are vital for creating an effective company. They are aimed primarily at providing quality services and good working conditions. Thus, customer focus can be seen as the most straightforward rule to follow. It helps to gain the trust of the current audience and attract new people. The process approach is the most difficult as it requires a severe organization and mobilization of management resources. In the case of successful implementation, all principles significantly strengthen the campaign and allow one to increase profits.


Abuhav, I. (2017). ISO 9001: 2015 – A complete guide to quality management systems. Taylor & Francis Group.

Bravi, L., Murmura, F., & Santos, G. (2019). The ISO 9001: 2015 quality management system standard: Companies’ driCompanies’fits and barriers to its implementation. Kvalita Inovácia Prosperita, 23(2), pp. 64-82. Web.

Castro, S., & Teixeira, L. (2020). BPMN and Lean Contributions for the ISO9001 Implementation: A Case Study within the Plastics Industry. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, pp. 1228-1237. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Quality Management Principles: Easy vs. Challenging Aspects." October 14, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/quality-management-principles-easy-vs-challenging-aspects/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Quality Management Principles: Easy vs. Challenging Aspects." October 14, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/quality-management-principles-easy-vs-challenging-aspects/.

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