Quantitative and Sampling Methods in Marketing Research

Definitions of Variables


The independent variables in this study are the age and employment status of the participants. The differences in the chosen age range are insignificant, and young people of all ages equally often use food delivery apps. In addition, employment status presumably has no effect on satisfaction with the order made and does not contribute to the likelihood of customer loyalty. These factors are modified by the experimenter themselves; they can select a sample of people who initially meet the required criteria for age and employment status (Rambocas & Pacheco, 2018). Therefore, the characteristics of the respondents act as independent variables in this matter. Among them are the age, gender and employment status differences of the interviewed people.


The dependent variables in this study are the different satisfaction metrics of Uber Eats and customer service. The production of a quality product is the key to successful sales, and the functional characteristics of products also affect customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction with the company depends on how satisfied or dissatisfied customers are with the quality of the service. It is also important for this variable how the product is sold: the purchase process, the level of service, the competence and attentiveness of the staff. It follows that the formula of customer satisfaction composes both from the quality of products and the quality of service. The next dependant variable of successful sales is the quality of the offer. It includes the price of the product or service, payment terms, discount system, etc.


Customer satisfaction and loyalty of Uber Eats depends on convenience of delivery, service and the quality of the proposed offers.

Research Methods & Sample

Quantitative Research Method

As a quantitative research method, the most common one was chosen – a survey in the form of a questionnaire. This is a method of collecting primary information, which provides for a written appeal to the studied population of people with questions (Cluley et al., 2020). Their content presents the problem of research at the empirical level, as well as statistical processing of the responses received. Using the survey, the experimenter can get information about the motives for using Uber Eats and customer preferences.

Sampling Method

The sample of this questionnaire includes students: the survey has been sent to the university students only. Since the services for ordering food are most often used by young people who do not have enough time to prepare meals on their own, but there is not enough income for regular trips to restaurants, this segment of the population is most suitable (Hair et al., 2018). To conduct this survey, it is necessary to carry a study on the general population of students. The sample was formed so that it was representative and similar to the general population: the real ratio of male and female students is observed in it.


50 students were given an anonymous written survey with ready-made answers to questions in the form of a scale, where they are asked to assess their satisfaction with Uber Eats according to various criteria.

Data Analysis

Ensuring Good Reliability & Validity of Measurements

To ensure good reliability and validity of the measurements, the validity criteria are preliminarily determined on the basis of logical reasoning, or on the basis of indirect indicators. First of all, this procedure includes an assessment of the correctness of the selected measurement tool. There will also be a check of the absence of a spread of responses according to the scale values. Getting the answers to one point indicates the complete unsuitability of the measuring instrument – the scale. Such a situation may arise either because of regulatory pressure towards the generally accepted opinion. The exclusion of such signs will make it possible to verify the relevance of the study.

Conducting Statistical Analyses to Test Hypotheses

As a result of the collected statistics, a regression will be conducted to test the primary hypotheses. The presence or absence of relationships between IVs and DV will be traced. To do this, use appropriate statistical tests based on marketing purposes and exchangeable type of variables. The T-test method will test the hypothesis that the average values of two general aggregates (customer loyalty and satisfaction), from which the compared dependent samples are extracted, differ from each other (Grewal et al., 2020). Assuming a dependency will mean that the customer service and convenience of delivery attributes are significant. The correlation method will allow to establish the presence of a relationship between the signs that affect customer satisfaction.


Cluley, R., Green, W., & Owen, R. (2020). The changing role of the marketing researcher in the age of digital technology: Practitioner perspectives on the digitization of marketing research. International Journal of Market Research, 62(1), 27-42.

Grewal, R., Gupta, S., & Hamilton, R. (2020). The journal of marketing research today: Spanning the domains of marketing scholarship. Journal of Consumer Research, 53(5), 464-480.

Hair, J. F., Harrison, D. E., & Risher, J. J. (2018). Marketing research in the 21st century: Opportunities and challenges. Brazilian Journal of Marketing, 17(5), 666-699.

Rambocas, M., & Pacheco, B. G. (2018). Online sentiment analysis in marketing research: A review. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 12(2), 146-163.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, May 30). Quantitative and Sampling Methods in Marketing Research. https://studycorgi.com/quantitative-and-sampling-methods-in-marketing-research/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Quantitative and Sampling Methods in Marketing Research." May 30, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/quantitative-and-sampling-methods-in-marketing-research/.


StudyCorgi. "Quantitative and Sampling Methods in Marketing Research." May 30, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/quantitative-and-sampling-methods-in-marketing-research/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Quantitative and Sampling Methods in Marketing Research." May 30, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/quantitative-and-sampling-methods-in-marketing-research/.

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