Does Race Affect Success and Justice in America Today?

Does being a white person still matter in succeeding in America?

I strongly believe that the issue of race is still relevant in the United States. This is the case because representatives of specific ethnicities have access to numerous opportunities that can support their needs. Being a white person is something that matters in this nation. Gabbidon and Greene (2016) believe that the culture and origin of an individual is one of the critical attributes that can dictate his or her future in America. The reason for this argument is that whites form a significant majority, have access to high-quality medical services, are educated, and can support the needs of their children. A person who belongs to this racial group will find it easier to get a good job, earn a competitive salary, and pursue his or her economic goals. Most of the privileges enjoyed by whites over the years have made it easier for them to acquire quality education and skills that can support their career aims. This is a clear indication that the history of a specific group or population is capable of influencing or dictating its future. Government-sponsored programs and policies have been observed to favor whites for many decades. The current inequality can, therefore, be justified using this kind of argument. This problem should be a base for new ideas and initiatives to ensure that American citizens from all backgrounds succeed and lead quality lives.

Does racism contribute to offending among racial and ethnic minorities?

The problems of crime and offending have continued to affect various aspects of the American society. Gabbidon and Greene (2016) indicate that racism is a key determinant of this predicament. The increased rate of offenders from ethnic and racial minorities is an issue that has captured the attention of many scholars and criminologists. The problem of racism has forced individuals from such groups to engage in heinous acts. Several reasons can be offered to support this proposition. The first one is that members of such communities have been sidelined and ignored for many years. Secondly, such individuals lack quality education and access to good jobs. Thirdly, they have been forced to use violence in order to get money and meet their needs. Most of them grow up in families led by violent or single parents. This gap has made it impossible for them to receive adequate financial, emotional, and moral support (Wolfe & Nix, 2016). This scenario explains why the problem of juvenile offending is associated with ethnic minorities in the country. Models such as social conflict theory explain why inequality in a given society encourages people to engage in crime. This argument should be considered to develop superior measures to meet the needs of citizens from minority groups.

Will public confidence in the police improve in the minority community during the next decade?

The issue of public confidence has dictated the effectiveness of police departments in this country. With the introduction of different approaches such as community policing, various insights have been presented to influence the operations and actions undertaken by police officers. From a personal perspective, I believe that the level of public confidence in the police will improve in the minority community within the next ten years. This is the case because various concerned campaigns and policies have been proposed to increase cooperation between civilians and law enforcers. Many officers are also being sensitized about the importance of pursuing their goals without victimizing individuals from minority groups. Police training and empowerment are some of the initiatives that have been put in place to maximize the effectiveness of law enforcement (Gabbidon & Greene, 2016). When different stakeholders focus on the true spirit of policing, chances are high that more individuals from minority groups will no longer be victimized. Consequently, public confidence in police departments will improve and eventually minimize the problem of crime. This development will make it easier for police officers to achieve their objectives and create the best environment for citizens from African American and Latino backgrounds.

Do factors other than race play a part in the disproportionate representation of Blacks on death row?

Wolfe and Nix (2016) indicate that race is a factor that dictates the way individuals are victimized, sentenced, apprehended, and punished within the American criminal justice system. Over the years, it has been observed that African Americans are disproportionately represented on death row. It is also agreeable that there are other aspects that play a crucial part in this kind of misrepresentation. The first one is that of religion. Some analysts have observed that many individuals from the Islamic religion have increased chances of being victimized. This is something informed by the current challenge of global terrorism. Gender is another predictor because most of the death row inmates are usually male. The economic position of an individual is also a key determinant. This happens to be the case because most of the targeted persons are from underprivileged backgrounds. Many professionals within the criminal justice system tend to believe that individuals from minority communities or backgrounds will have increased chances of committing monstrous acts. With this kind of information, it would be appropriate to come up with new initiatives to address the existing gap and support different groups or individuals. The important aim is to ensure that the country’s criminal justice system is fair, impartial, and capable of tackling the challenges facing all citizens.


Gabbidon, S. L., & Greene, H. T. (2016). Race and crime (4th ed.). London, UK: Sage.

Wolfe, S. E., & Nix, J. (2016). The alleged “Ferguson Effect” and police willingness to engage in community partnership. Law and Human Behavior, 40(1), 1-10. Web.

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