Racial Discrimination in the USA


The formation and development of a civil nation is a complex and contradictory process. Ethnic and confessional differences have always played an ambiguous role in the history of America and other countries with a multinational population. In the past, such differences have repeatedly acted as factors of social tension and conflict. This is still evident in American society today. At the same time, the coexistence of different ethnic groups, carriers of many cultures and languages ​​within one country is a source of constant beneficial mutual influence, a condition for the successful development of society. In the United States, one of the most important tasks of the state is the development and effective implementation of the right national policy.

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More than 50 years ago, the United States finally ended racial segregation, the symbol of which was exclusively the rights of white people. Since then, the United States has come a long way towards electing its first black president and even claiming compensation from slaves by politicians (Bailey et al., 2017). However, in recent years, the United States has seen an increase in racially motivated crimes and further aggression of the society.

The death of African American George Floyd after being detained by the police provoked protests and riots not only across America, but also beyond its borders. Actions against racism are taking place all around the world. Accusations leveled at all four police officers involved in Floyd’s arrest did not help calm the situation (Weine et al., 2020). The protesters for many years demanded an end to racism, which still remains one of the main problems of American society (Bailey et al., 2017). It affects the lives of citizens, visitors, and destroys a free and calm society.

Despite tremendous progress, many of the problems of the black population in the United States still remain relevant, and the number of racial incidents, both in relation to blacks and other segments of the population, is growing. In parallel with the blacks, problems began to arise regarding the white population. When trying to gather movements for the importance of the life of white people, they were also not supported by blacks, and they were also unable to gather enough people for various reasons (Smith, 2021a). This once again created social confrontation and negative attitudes in society.

Adopting inclusiveness and social acceptance is a long and complex process. For example, in Orange County, there was a lengthy discussion among parents of schoolchildren on the topic of teaching critical race theory. Questions arose about correct wording, approach to teaching, and different interpretations of historical events (Smith, 2021b). Additionally, there was an important view that teaching historical events about discrimination in American society can influence the perpetuation of the victim state. In this regard, already white children may be discriminated against in order to balance the situation.

At the same time, the solution to the problem of racism is precisely the correct position of society. It can be achieved through education, training, and coverage of important topics of discrimination in all sectors of society through various channels, including the media. It is important to emphasize inclusiveness and tolerance in society, rather than focusing on the existing complexities of ethical and cultural perception. Examples from the past can be given, but only in the format of illustrative cases worked out by psychotherapists so that they reflect reality and at the same time cause rejection of such behavior. Such examples should not cause new waves of negativity and opposition in society.

Society in the modern world affects not only its personal life, but also the future life of its descendants. Therefore, the decisions made have a lot of weight and significance. For the further development of tolerance in society, a well-developed strategy for the introduction of information and training for American citizens is necessary, which will be of great importance for the development of the country.

For school-age children, teaching about tolerance and inclusiveness should definitely be present in the school curriculum, however, the developed strategy should be built jointly by teachers and psychotherapists, who will determine that the chosen direction and approach only has a positive impact on the perception of children. The inspiration of people for their personal and others’ rights and abilities is the main goal (Chicano Federation, 2021). Such training should not create bias or controversy, should not allow free interpretation, and should be aimed at the equal rights of the person of any race.

For adults with an already formed opinion and understanding, it is important to build a separate strategy for conducting global information, training and discussions, for working out perception and coming to mutual understanding for different cultures and ethnic groups. There may be some objections from adults, however, parents greatly influence the point of view of children, so it will not be effective to promote certain ideas only among children in schools. Therefore, it is precisely an integrated approach to adapting society to the modern realities of a diversified population that is needed.


In conclusion, in the modern world, people of different nationalities, cultures, and other characteristics live in almost any country and state. In this regard, the issue of acceptance of each other by such different groups becomes relevant. In order to form one holistic, productive, and mutually accepting society, it is important to introduce a system of correct information and education regarding the importance of inclusiveness and tolerance from childhood.


Chicano Federation [@chicanofederation]. (2021). A beautiful reminder from @shinanova [Photograph]. Instagram. Web.

Smith, H. (2021a). ‘White Lives Matter’ rallies fizzled. Hate groups still see chance to ‘fire up the base’. Los Angeles Times, Web.

Smith, H. (2021b). Wrenching struggle to define critical race theory divides an Orange County school district. Los Angeles Times, Web.

Bailey, Z. D., Krieger, N., Agenor, M., Graves, J., Linos, N., & Bassett, M. T. (2017). Structural racism and health inequities in the USA: Evidence and interventions. The Lancet, 389(10077), 1453-1463. Web.

Weine, S., Kohrt, B. A., Collins, P. Y., Cooper, J., Lewis-Fernandez, R., Okpaku, S., & Wainberg, M. L. (2020). Justice for George Floyd and a reckoning for global mental health. Global Mental Health, 7. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Racial Discrimination in the USA." December 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/racial-discrimination-in-the-usa/.


StudyCorgi. "Racial Discrimination in the USA." December 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/racial-discrimination-in-the-usa/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Racial Discrimination in the USA." December 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/racial-discrimination-in-the-usa/.

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