Modern Discrimination: Racism in the USA

In the USA, there still exists widespread racism despite campaigns against the vice. People are subjected to discrimination because of differences in factors such as gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, culture, and political belief (Hebl et al. 258). Older people are at a higher risk of being discriminated against compared to younger people. An individual may hate another one because they are of a different political belief. The disabled are likely to face prejudice compared to the non-disabled. An individual may hate another person because they do not share similar cultural norms. People with normal sexual orientation may develop a contemptuous attitude towards those of the LGBTQ community. The whites may have a racial discrimination towards the black due to the difference in the skin colours.

The tendency to discriminate against each other is a byproduct of our culture and politics. It is common to see a politician using discriminatory words against people of a different race. For example, former president Donald Trump had a contemptuous attitude toward Blacks( Lucks 5). When such high-profile figures spread hate among the citizens, it intensifies racism culture in society. It is due to their huge number of followers, and they trust whatever such politicians tell them.

Government has a big role in ensuring that all citizens have equal rights. It must ensure that the created domestic policies equally affect American citizens’ lives. Lawmakers must ensure they get information from the media, citizens, and other advocacy groups. The government should continue supporting medical insurance coverage that caters to all citizens. Educational policies should be fair to ensure all citizens have equal access to education. The policy proposals should be discussed with the public to ensure the creation of fair regulations.

Works Cited

Hebl, Mikki, Shannon K. Cheng, and Linnea C. Ng. “Modern Discrimination in Organizations.Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, vol. 7, no. 1, 2019, 257-282. Web.

Lucks, Daniel S. Reconsidering Reagan: Racism, Republicans, and the Road to Trump. Beacon Press, 2020.

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