Radical Islam Threat Discussion in the Documentary “Obsession”

Obsession is a movie that deals with the threats of radical Islam to civilization, the movie uses unique footage from Arabic TV. This is a documentary movie that deals with the threats of radical Islam. It discusses the “incitements that were alleged to hatred as well as the global jihad,” (Mier & Shore, 2005).

According to my, obsession is one of the greatest movies of my time, which has received I can accord a lot of criticisms. One of the negative sides of this movie is that it shows the Islamic region as being a threat to the world, which has bent intending to destroy the civilizations of the western. This is based on the fact that there are records of interviews in the documentary which describe Islam as inherently prone to hegemony, (Mier & Shore, 2005). The movie has close links with the clarion Fund. This is due to the matter of shared Aish HaTorah staff and the Clarion Fund Staff. As a matter of fact, to me, it is much disgusting that Aish HaTorah will just continue having someone who has promulgated such a character sitting on their staff. I can call the movie just classic propaganda due to its radicalism that is trying to demonize Muslims as a whole and their faith too.

In the movie Obsession: Radical Islam’s War against the West produced by Mier & Shore, (2005). The movie admits that about 15 percent of Muslims concurs with the radical point of view that is presented by individuals like Hamas, in a real sense I don’t trust that. What were the sources of such information, as there is not even a single source that backs the data? Another thing is, why they are just dancing around the fundamental issue that America deals with radicals. With this, the movie implies that America hates Jews and Israel, the fact is, America is the closest ally of Israel, and ever, it has been supporting Israel. This fact was not concluded in this documentary. As a matter of fact, the movie is just a generalized trial of scaring the viewers.

In my recommendation, I feel like the Obsession movie is not good for children. This is because; the movie uses pictures from Arabic TVs, which are far much disturbing. The movie at the same time media and words from Iranian popular songs a country that has for a very long time hated U.S and Israel or the West. For instance, among the disturbing documentary part; is the one dealing with a scene showing a Christian child being butchered by a Jewish Rabbi, with the objective of making Matzo ball, this form superstition that is anti-Semitic, its origin can be traced from middle-aged Christians.

As a result, I recommend that the producers of obsession should have spent more time, in the processes of moderating Islamic groups that were responding against terrorism. However, the documentary itself spends a very few minutes, in the end, trying to do so. Another aspect that seems to have just been added with the aim of making it look as if it is politically right, is the fact that, in some circumstances, bias can be accepted in such like presentations, and it might have been much more accurate and precise as compared s 9/11. But this does not deter the point that Obsession: Radical Islam’s War against the West is just propaganda.

I hereby concur with Charles Batten and the Religionsntalled. I hold the opinion that the West has done a lot of things in their history to the creation of circumstances, which have resulted in the spread of such awful Islamic radicalism. This documentary does a lot of nothing in showing this fact; however, the producer just goes ahead showing the real impacts of it. For instance, at one time, Europe placed Germany in such a circumstance after the 1st world war. This in its place did not go ahead making Nazism any furious. The fact remains that, Radical Islam is very dangerous to the contemporaries. Regardless of the danger magnitude that might emanate from distorted religious doctrines, the west need not be simply complacent or just write it off just like that, it needs to investigate more on the matter.

In America, individuals get scared about any silliest thing that concerns their community. Those who happen to be on the right-wing get scared due to any change, diversity, as well as fundamental progress. While on the other hand, those who are in the opposition get worried about looking like those in governments. They usually get wrapped up in both economic and social matters which might only divide them. But when a matter threatens their society, they usually manage to step ahead and unite. This has happened several times in history, so as a matter of fact, it will happen again, but the question is, how long will this be, and what should happen globally before this happens?

In conclusion, this documentary is biased, as it is one-sided, however, the side it depicts does look painfully important.


Mier, P & Shore, R. (Producers) & Kopping, W. (Director). (2005). Obsession: Radical Islam’s War against the West. [DVD]. Clarion Fund.

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StudyCorgi. "Radical Islam Threat Discussion in the Documentary “Obsession”." April 4, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/radical-islam-threat-discussion-in-the-documentary-obsession/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Radical Islam Threat Discussion in the Documentary “Obsession”." April 4, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/radical-islam-threat-discussion-in-the-documentary-obsession/.

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