Recruitment Methods for Customer Service & Production Roles

There are many options for human resource managers to find skilled employees. However, some methods of recruitment prove more efficient than others. For example, when hiring a customer service assistant, it is important for an HR manager to consider a specific set of qualities for a future worker and choose places of recruitment accordingly. First of all, according to Hafeez and Aburawi (2013), customer service assistants need to have well-developed communicational skills.

Thus, such resources as recruitment websites and various social media platforms become two viable options of finding new employees (Chiang & Suen, 2015). Other options include advertising, internal professional networking, and attendance of special group events. Advertising in newspapers and other sources can inform candidates that do not use social media often. According to Gabriel, Cheshin, Moran, and van Kleef (2016), accessing the professional network of already hired employees might bring new talent with established connections to the board.

Finally, attending various group events, such as professional meetups, can help an HR manager to see possible future candidates in a social environment (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). All in all, according to Moghaddam, Rezaei, and Amin (2015), finding a customer service assistant requires searching through platforms that encourage people to show their ability to communicate.

The searching process for production line workers includes some similar and different approaches. For example, online recruitment through professional job boards, which are centered on manufacturing vacancies, remains a valid way to find new employees. Secondly, advertising in local newspapers is also a viable option to search for new talent. According to Marchington, Wilkinson, Donnelly, and Kynighou (2016), internal professional networking and employee referral are two other prevalent options to find employees.

However, social media may not be an effective way to search for candidates, because production line workers may not be interested in social media presence. Job fairs, on the other hand, may prove to be an excellent way to fill positions of manufacturing workers, because such fairs are concentrated on professional skills and experience. In the end, focusing on places that highlight one’s experience, education, and professional skills is a good way to find production line workers.


Armstrong, M., & Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice (13th ed.). London, UK: Kogan Page Publishers.

Chiang, J. K. H., & Suen, H. Y. (2015). Self-presentation and hiring recommendations in online communities: Lessons from LinkedIn. Computers in Human Behavior, 48, 516-524.

Gabriel, A. S., Cheshin, A., Moran, C. M., & van Kleef, G. A. (2016). Enhancing emotional performance and customer service through human resources practices: A systems perspective. Human Resource Management Review, 26(1), 14-24.

Hafeez, K., & Aburawi, I. (2013). Planning human resource requirements to meet target customer service levels. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 5(2), 230-252.

Marchington, M., Wilkinson, A., Donnelly, R., & Kynighou, A. (2016). Human resource management at work (6th ed.). London, UK: CIPD.

Moghaddam, H. A., Rezaei, S., & Amin, M. (2015). Examining job seekers’ perception and behavioural intention toward online recruitment: A PLS path modelling approach. Journal for Global Business Advancement, 8(3), 305-325.

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