Recruitment Tactics and Interview Questions

Recruitment Tactics

The first tactic can be described as a method of recruitment in which a candidate is suggested by a company worker. One of the advantages of this method is that there is no need to place ads in the media and on the Internet and wait for a response to filter out candidates who are not suitable. The fact that the employees know each other well or are related often means that a “circle” is formed on the team (Suwarto & Subyantoro, 2019). It is a disadvantage of such tactics and has negative consequences for the candidate and recruiter, who could be accused of bias.

Another tactic used by recruiters to attract employees is targeted advertising. Its most significant advantage is attracting people’s attention quickly and convincing them that the organization is one of the most suitable options for employment. However, at the same time, it often turns out that expectations are far from reality, and advertising does not give a thorough understanding of the company’s specifics.

Interview Questions


The complexity of the cashier job is caused by a need of an increased level of attention and concentration. Moreover, it requires communication skills and the ability to react quickly and solve numerous issues (Suwarto & Subyantoro, 2019). The following questions are reasonable in the interview process:

  • How to check the authenticity of a banknote?

Money is one of the first values with which the cashier interacts daily. Every employer needs to be sure that the worker is attentive and thus will not damage the company. Earnings are essential to every enterprise; therefore, such a question will help determine how ready a person is to work with money and whether they have the skills to interact with it when selling.

  • Where have you worked before, and do you have experience as a cashier?

The next question will show the person’s work experience and the skills they may have acquired. The cashier job requires speed, and the experience can be a considerable advantage in the selection process. Moreover, the cashier must be able to interact with people, and any previous work experience guarantees their ability to cope with communication demands.

  • What are your strengths?

The candidate should emphasize the qualities required for the job in the first place and give convincing evidence on concrete facts. Although the question seems trivial and may come up with standard answers, knowing the candidate’s potencies is essential. This question will help identify the competitive advantages of each candidate, based on which it will be easier to choose to favor the person whose strengths best meet the company’s needs.


Clerks play the role of one of the indispensable workers in any company or the state institution because they are engaged in all paperwork, accounting operations, and conduct administrative and economic activities. Proceeding from this and the condition that the clerk will deal with the payment of bills, it is necessary to ask the following questions:

  • What should be included in the account for services rendered?

This question is intended to test the candidate’s basic technical knowledge and understanding of basic accounting information. The interviewee should mention items such as purchase order number, price per hour or item, dates, contact information, description of goods or services, payment terms and payment terms, and shipping or handling charges. This question may involve a discussion of the candidate’s experience in creating invoice templates. It will help the employer check the person’s literacy and see if their knowledge is sufficient to work for the company.

  • What are your educational background and previous experience?

It is an entry-level position, and no previous experience is required. However, it is a responsible position, and the question will help determine if the candidate has the necessary education to work with accounts. Any previous clerical, administrative, or accounting experience will be a competitive advantage for the applicant. Therefore, this question will help simplify the selection process and choose the person who can most quickly adapt to the necessary tasks.

  • What is your experience with meeting deadlines in a fast-paced environment?

Any payment requires timeliness to avoid potential trouble. Therefore, interviewers ask this question to find out how the person will function in the particular work environment of that job. It is imperative to understand if the candidate can meet deadlines and the extent to which they can follow workflow organization (Shen et al., 2021). Therefore, the question will help to comprehend whether the interviewer can perform the job duties while not making a loss to the company.


The job of a teen clothing line buyer does not seem difficult at first glance. However, it requires a perfect sense of style and an understanding of the characteristics and needs of consumers. The interviewer must understand whether the candidate understands fashion and whether they can identify the company’s needs and select a range that every teenager would like. Therefore, it is necessary to ask the following questions:

  • Who are our main competitors?

This question tests the candidate’s level of knowledge about the company and its features. The job requires selecting a clothing line that can compete with the assortment of other companies. The question will allow the recruiter to know if the candidate can fulfill this responsibility and if they understand the market. Checking these qualities will help select someone capable of promoting and selling the product and attracting customers.

  • Describe current teen fashion trends

The fashion industry presupposes different views on the combination of things and their evaluation. When selecting candidates, it is essential to understand whether their vision coincides with that of the company and, most notably, whether it suits the target group. That is why it is an obligatory question to see if the potential employee and their vision of fashion meets the organization’s and its clients’ needs.

  • What do you think of our current assortment?

In this question, it is essential to understand how the candidate can competently criticize and identify weaknesses to eliminate problems. If the person understands possible weaknesses and can turn them into strengths, they are the proper candidates for the position. This question will also help the employer assess the potential employee’s level of enthusiasm and ability to think ahead.

Questions Discussion

The validity of any method lies in how accurately this method can identify facts and patterns that exist in reality. In this sense, the interview method has some disadvantages. The central problem is that it is usually more accessible for the interviewer to form an opinion about those characteristics that openly manifest themselves in behavior during the interviewing process (Kurylo et al., 2019). Nevertheless, the interview questions I have proposes help minimize subjectivity by giving candidates equal opportunity to express the qualities or skills necessary for their profession. It likewise confirms their reliability since each question contributes to the intelligent choice of the employee, whose skills and character best suit the company’s needs. The questions cannot be generalized since each aims to determine various factors. Moreover, all the questions are created according to the law and guarantee equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of race, gender, creed, or any other distinction.


Kuryło, P., Idzikowski, A., Cyganiuk, J., & Paduchowicz, R. (2019). Recruitment, selection and adaptation of staff in enterprise. System Safety: Human-Technical Facility-Environment, 1(1).

Shen, D., Qin, C., Zhu, H., Xu, T., Chen, E., & Xiong, H. (2021). Joint representation learning with relation-enhanced topic models for intelligent job interview assessment. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), 40(1), 1-36.

Suwarto, F. X., & Subyantoro, A. (2019). The effect of recruitment, selection and placement on employee performance. International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security, 7(7), 126-134.

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