Reducing BMI Measures in School-Aged Children


  • Almost 20% of children between 2 and 18 years old affected
  • Unhealthy lifestyle, inactivity, and harmful dietary habits
  • Ineffective school-based interventions
  • Efficient school-based programs are needed
  • More physical activity during school hours

The Spirit of Inquiry Ignited

  • False beliefs concerning childhood obesity
  • Comorbidity of obesity
  • Parental lifestyles and dietary habits
  • BMI explained
  • Effectiveness of BMI

The PICOT Question Formulated

  • P – Children
  • I – participate in 30 minutes of physical activity every day
  • C – and how it compares to a day without it
  • O – according to the body mass index
  • T – which is measured after the end of an academic year which is typically 8 months

Search Strategy Conducted

  • The use of online journals
  • The studies and opinions of scientists, pediatricians, and therapists
  • The focus on interventions and programs for obese children and those at risk
  • BMI as an effective tool to determine a child’s health status
  • Effective interventions are necessary

Critical Appraisal of the Evidence Performed

  • Physical activity ensures BMI loss (Coimbra et al., 2017)
  • The ineffectiveness of primary-school programs (Tarro et al., 2014)
  • The benefits of physical activity (Pbert et al., 2016)
  • Ineffectiveness of a specific school-based intervention (Larsen et al., 2016)
  • The need for a comprehensive approach

Evidence Integrated with Clinical Expertise and Patient Preferences to Implement the Best Practice

  • The purpose of the study: the relationship between additional physical activity in school and students’ BMI
  • The exact extent to which the intervention is effective compared to no intervention
  • Can 30 minutes suffice?
  • A school year as an appropriate period for data collection
  • Stakeholders include students and educators

Evaluation Plan

  • 18 months for the intervention
  • Measuring the participants’ BMI
  • Analyzing questionnaires and interviews
  • Analyzing the opinions of students, educators, parents
  • Peers’ opinion analysis
  • Starting the discussion of the effectiveness of the intervention in question and other programs for the target population


  • Theoretical Framework
  • Design
  • Confidentiality
  • Sample/Setting/Procedure
  • Instrument

Theoretical Framework

  • The importance of the theoretical framework for an EBP project
  • Conceptual framework: lifestyle transformations, academic activity, obesity, and school-based intervention
  • Self-care theory: transforming students’ ability to maintain proper BMI
  • Neuman’s Systems Model: the collaboration of parents, educators, students, and healthcare staff
  • Schools as the platform for the change


  • Mixed method research
  • Quasi-experimental design
  • Convenience sampling enables to ensure the participants’ motivation to change (which can make the program effective)
  • BMI as a dependent variable
  • Intervention as an independent variable


  • Participants’ names coding
  • Personal data safety and proper storage
  • No access to the participants’ personal data
  • Participants will be able to withdraw at any point
  • The written informed consent signed by parents


  • Obese children and students willing to participate as the participants
  • Setting: a school-based intervention
  • Period: 18-month intervention
  • The provision of training for educators who will be involved
  • Parental involvement through the participation in physical activities developed for the participants


  • Measuring BMI
  • Analyzing questionnaires to elicit opinions and attitudes
  • Interviews to obtain more detailed accounts
  • Comparing the results of obese and non-obese students
  • The use of data analysis software to facilitate data reliability

The Outcome of the Practice Change Evaluated

  • Measuring the participants’ BMI
  • Questionnaires for the participants
  • Interviews to elicit opinions and attitudes
  • Obese children and those who are willing to avoid health issues
  • Comparing BMI of the two groups

Project Dissemination

  • Supervisors and managers as reviewers
  • Analyzing feedback from different to improve the intervention
  • Developing programs and conducting other studies
  • Informing parents
  • The collaboration of educators, healthcare staff, and parents


  • Childhood obesity as a new pandemic
  • 30-minute physical activity as a solution
  • Transforming lifestyles
  • Changing dietary habits
  • Active academic life


Coimbra, S., Catarino, C., Nascimento, H., Alves, A. I., Medeiros, A. F., Bronze-Da-Rocha, E.,… Belo, L. (2017). Physical exercise intervention at school improved hepcidin, inflammation, and iron metabolism in overweight and obese children and adolescents. Pediatric Research, 82(5), 781-788. Web.

Larsen, K. T., Huang, T., Ried-Larsen, M., Andersen, L. B., Heidemann, M., & Møller, N. C. (2016). A multi-component day-camp weight-loss program is effective in reducing BMI in children after one year: A randomized controlled trial. Plos One, 11(6), 1-16. Web.

Pbert, L., Druker, S., Barton, B., Schneider, K. L., Olendzki, B., Gapinski, M. A.,… Osganian, S. (2016). A school-based program for overweight and obese adolescents: A randomized controlled trial. The Journal of School Health, 86(10), 699-708. Web.

Tarro, L., Llauradó, E., Albaladejo, R., Moriña, D., Arija, V., Solà, R., & Giralt, M. (2014). A primary-school-based study to reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity – the EdAl (Educació en Alimentació) study: A randomized controlled trial. Trials, 15(58), 1-13. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 21). Reducing BMI Measures in School-Aged Children.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Reducing BMI Measures in School-Aged Children." July 21, 2021.

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