Reflection on Deer in Their Own Coats by Coleman

Natural ecosystems have existed for millions of years, but they constantly change due to climate variations. All the components of communities have always been in an equilibrium state, whereas the natural course of events was disrupted with the advent of man. Nowadays, humans are actively transforming nature, often without considering the impact, which has detrimental consequences for animals. Deer are among endangered species, and their preservation and maintenance of ecological balance is an essential task of every conscious person.

The role of deer cannot be overrated for the regular operation of ecosystems and the life of indigenous populaces of the North. This animal has been and still is the basis of the life of numerous populace for thousands of years. The deer is not only the immediate icon of antique epics, legends, and tales but also one of the most precious treasures that nature gave to man. In the most ancient myths, legends, and Nenets songs which have reached our time, moments of sadness and hunger constantly adjusted to times of contentment and well-being if a man kept his herd safe and sound. In the Haudenosaunee tradition, reindeer are revered as generous helpers and protectors of life’s rational mind and creative spark (Coleman 12). Since ancient times, some tribes have not only tamed and domesticated wild reindeer but made this laborious occupation a high art, a symbol of the unity of man and nature. Nevertheless, the statement that deer should give up their wool and antlers to overcome human selfishness is incorrect (Coleman 12). All groups of reindeer should be protected because the disappearance of even one of them is a loss of intraspecific diversity, as animals differ in their genetic set.

Man and animal should be united because reindeer, living in harmony with nature, enable man to comprehend this harmony. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in ecological education of the population from kindergarten, monitor the number of animals, and design forest management in a way that does not harm wild herds and does not displace them from their traditional territories. Moreover, it is essential to increase the staff of the hunting service, which fights against poaching, and allocate funds to combat illegal hunting. Society has continued to ignore the presence of deer for a long time, and this needs to be changed.

Work Cited

Coleman, Daniel. “Deer in Their Own Coats.” The Goose, vol. 14, no.1, 2015, pp. 1 – 22.

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