Reflection on the Book of Psalms


The Bible does not provide all the religious answers that believers may have; only the passages and translations open to interpretation. God’s figure is mysterious, fearsome, and impossible to fully understand; thus, some readers can feel confused or intimidated. However, the Bible touches on the Lord’s nature and provides the guidelines to follow for those who would like to practice the religion.

The Nature of God

Throughout the whole book of Psalms, readers see the connection between the Lord and His people. Psalm one mentions God watching “over the way of righteous,” thus, offering protection to those who follow His commands. Those who do not, according to the same passage, “will perish,” and that statement alone shows the power of God over people’s lives. Psalm two further develops this idea: the Lord is said to be mighty enough to install His King, terrify people in His wrath, and destroy even the kings if they do not obey. Psalm twenty-three is one of the most famous poems people use at challenging times. David calls the Lord his “shepherd,” the one who guides His flock to green pastures and makes sure it stays on the “paths of righteousness.” God knows the best plan for us, and we should let Him guide us and protect us. Psalm fifty-one presents the Lord as forgiving, as David calls upon His mercy after sinning.

Furthermore, God is the Creator of our world, nature, and all the creatures in it. Psalm ninety-six shows the Lord’s power over the nations, the heavens, the earth, and the sea. The Almighty not only possesses fearsome power but great compassion and love, as mentioned in Psalm one hundred and three. Men are temporary, “like grass,” but God is an “everlasting” King.

Response to God

Obeying God’s commands is the main requirement for people based on the Book of Psalms. The beginning of Psalm one states that we must abide by the laws of God and find delight in them. Following the Lord promises prosperity while disregarding Him will lead to perishing. Psalm two tells about the potential destruction of humans and their possessions if they do not obey God. Kings are instructed to fear the Lord and “rejoice with trembling” when ruling the earth. Psalm also mentions the Son, which could refer to Jesus Christ, and we should praise Him as well as the Father.

Psalm twenty-three tells us to follow God’s lead and trust in His will. The Lord gives power and protection to those who obey Him, so true believers should not have a fear of evil because God’s power will overcome “the shadow of death.” David also calls to the Lord in Psalm fifty-one to confess his sins and restore his will to follow the Almighty. We should admit that we are sinners by nature and that God is the only one who can sustain us and lead us away from evil.

The Lord is not only a powerful King to rule over all the creatures, but also a being so magnificent that we will never fully understand His limits and power. Psalm ninety-six encourages us to praise the Lord, sing songs, and celebrate the great miracle He is with all the nature. Psalm one hundred and three repeatedly tells people to praise the Lord as His love is all-powerful and overwhelming, and His compassion will save his followers from perishing like dry grass of the fields. All the creatures of His dominion are called upon to sing praises and celebrate His love and power.


People, both believers, and non-believers have been studying the Bible for centuries. The book can be difficult to understand because it is old and translated many times. Churches worldwide try to explain the meaning behind the Bible to their congregations, while theologians have heated discussions over particular challenging passages. However, the Book of Psalms from the Bible overall allows the reader to put together an image of God and interpret the instructions about following Him.

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