Reflection Paper on Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is a self-help group that assists alcohol addicts to break from their drinking habits and stay sober for the rest of their lives. Alcohol Anonymous (AA) gives the successful candidate an opportunity to mentor other people struggling with alcohol problems. According to Kneisl & Trogoboff (2013), the program is among the most successful programs that help reduce alcohol addiction and alcohol-related illnesses in America. The group with which I interacted holds its meetings in a church. The meetings happen every Wednesday between five to seven o’clock in the evenings. I attended the meeting on 4 January. The members were both male and female, and they shared share their experiences openly to help new members feel welcome. The group held an open and a closed meeting to separate new members and the existing ones. The group operates in a casual manner where all members introduced themselves using the phrase “my name is…and I am an alcoholic.” After the pleasantries, the new members went into a closed meeting to learn the twelve principles of AA. The rest of the members went to an open meeting to share their experiences and their journey to sobriety. Most of the members in the meeting had managed to stay clean for more than a month, which is a great achievement for an addict.

People around the world have a certain perception of alcoholics. Finding a group of alcoholics who were so calm was one of the biggest surprises in this event. Unlike the egocentric nature of alcoholics, people in the AA group were willing to help and accept assistance in their efforts to stay clean. The entire session was so therapeutic because people in AA groups have accepted their situation. During the session, each group member shared some of the things that caused their addiction. Most of the members attributed their addiction to egoism and peer pressure. Additionally, people could freely share how hard it was to go without drinking and to uphold the AA principles. The ability to share is a necessary step in the process of healing thus making the session quite essential. Unlike other alcoholic therapy sessions I have attended in different setups, the group was quite receptive and open to suggestions. The organization of the group gives every person the ability to take responsibility for their lives and those closest to them (Kneisl & Trogoboff, 2013). The group development and management played a significant role in the transformation of its members. The atmosphere was calm, allowing people to relax and open up, unlike other therapy sessions. In general, the entire session was worthwhile, and it explains why AA groups have had such success in handling alcoholic problems.

Group dynamics such as Yalom’s curative factors can help in understanding the AA groups. The alcohol anonymous program employs the use of six Yalom’s curative factors in handling its daily operations. First, the group instills hope in new members. Older members narrate their journey to success by stating the various challenges they had to face. This approach helps new members understand that it is indeed possible to stay without drinking. Secondly, AA groups provide an avenue for an addict to meet with people who are going through the same problem. Meeting other people helps one understand that they are not alone, hence improving chances of recovery. Thirdly, people give and receive suggestions on ways to handle the addiction problem freely in AA groups. The freedom of expression also plays a key role in the healing process, and it is ideal for mental health. Fourthly, the AA group gives its members an opportunity to mentor other people around the world struggling with alcoholism (Kneisl & Trigoboff, 2013). The process helps give people a sense of purpose thus improving their chances of staying sober.

The AA groups do a great job in supporting individuals and families suffering from alcohol related illnesses. The forum deals with the cause of addiction rather than the addiction itself. Dealing with the cause reduces the chances of relapse and improves the ability for people to overcome day-to-day challenges. The group helps its members to restore lost relationships through counseling and spiritual advice. For instance, families that had broken up because of alcoholism can reunite through the help of AA. On the other hand, AA groups help its members to come up with ideal ways of handling stress and depression, which are the major causes of mental health illnesses.

The experience I got from this meeting will help me handle my patients better, especially those people experiencing mental health issues. First, I will handle my patients in a casual manner to help them open up and share their challenges. A casual relationship in nursing helps build friendship between the patient and the nurse, which is essential for effective recovery. Secondly, I will handle mental health issues in a group set up. This strategy will help my patients get a sense of belonging and understand that other people are experiencing the same problem. The basic thing that I learned from this meeting is that most people experiencing mental health issues respond well to treatment if they have societal acceptance (Kneisl & Trogoboff, 2013). For this reason, I will show my patients appreciation and acceptance to enhance their healing process..


Kneisl, C. & Trigoboff, E. (2013). Contemporary psychiatric-mental health nursing. Boston: Pearson.

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