Relation of the Art and Design

In 1850, Wagner’s sayings led to controversy concerning Jewish music when he pronounced that Jewish music is unimportant, nonsense, and characterized by indifference. He wrote that the Jews had no passion to make him an individual who has the desire to undertake artistic creations. Moreover, Wagner did say that Jews who composed songs at those times did it in a manner that portrays confusion regarding styles, ages, and masters. Also, he spoke about the negative influence the Jews had on the morality of a country. Manfred Eger blamed Wagner’s discrimination against the Jews, where he defined them as a group characterized by ethnicity and race. He also said that he was jealousy about one of the Jew’s composer named Giacomo Meyerbeer.

In 1981, there was a group of some Israelites (Philharmonic Orchestra) who tried to play Wagner’s music. One of the survivors of the holocaust dashed onto the stage. By removing his shirt and exposing to the audience the wounds he had received while he was in a Nazi concentration camp, he reminded the audience of the horrors of Nazism. Thus, the conductor was forced to call a halt to the concert as a result of this. In connection, the damaging attitudes that the Jewish people have against Wagner are justifiable. As a result, their agony was caused by Nazism, which was influenced by Wagner’s music. Furthermore, Wagner’s music served as a powerful and persistent reminder of the holocaust.

Wagner’s music was characterized by the fact that he used mythology and stories as the sole source of inspiration for his compositions. Wagner used play into his compositions, which involved combining musical and dramatic elements. It also included a performance that took into account average expenses for inventions, with the stage darkened. Furthermore, his music, particularly the most recent, is notable for its complexity, orchestration, and proper use of musical phrases in relation to concepts, places, and the personalities of the characters. Given that Wagner’s music depicted a villainous character, I wouldn’t say I appreciate it, given that it depicted a bad character.

His songs also promoted hatred and political issues, particularly against Jews. Music has the ability to evoke strong emotions, and anytime such music is heard, it triggers memories of anguish and misery.

Wagner’s political ideas have no bearing on my assessment of his music. There is a fundamental difference between music and political beliefs (Goehr and Lydia, 155). Wagner was one of the opponents of creating a society based on social classes. He was also opposed to power, money, and violence. In terms of the rhythm of their performances, Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries” as well as John Williams’ “Star Wars March” have a lot in common, since, they both maintain a musical vibe.

Furthermore, the two are preferably founded on exceptional qualities. When George Lucas was matching Star Wars to Ring cycle by Wagner, he never intended to imitate the tale. The Ride of the Valkyries was the only element of his article that focused on Wagner’s Ring cycle. It implies that he just used a previous notion. As a result, the article did not take the entire concept of the article but only a portion of it; so, there is no plagiarism.

Work Cited

Goehr, Lydia. “”All Art Constantly Aspires to the Condition of Music”—Except the Art of Music: Reviewing the Contest of the Sister Arts.” The Insistence of Art. Fordham University Press, 2017. 140-169.

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