Relationship Between ADHD-Inattentive and -Hyperactive


The condition known as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a complex issue characterized by specific symptoms. They differ depending on the variety and, therefore, are frequently referred to as ADHD-inattentive or ADHD-hyperactive-impulsive (“Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,” 2016). Both health problems are distinguished by cognitive impairment resulting in one’s inability to manage their time and the tasks which should be performed (“Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,” 2016).

Even though they seem to be similar at first glance, the principal difference between them is not only in particular signs but also in the fact that the former represents the latter’s cause. Therefore, it is vital to consider the interrelation between these states in order to highlight the importance of ADHD-inactive diagnosis for the prevention of the mentioned complications.

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It is critical to understand the manifestation of the specified ADHD-types to demonstrate the cause and effect relationships between them. Hence, the initial condition, which evokes the concerns of healthcare specialists, is ADHD-inattentive. Its principal symptoms include the lack of attention towards details, the inability to concentrate on a subject for an extended period of time, and difficulty listening to other people (“Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,” 2016).

These signs are complemented by the failure to understand instructions at school or organize belongings and the avoidance of chores requiring mental effort (“Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,” 2016). They are seen in children from early years and can sometimes be neglected, which, in turn, results in the progression of the condition and its transformation into other forms.

In other words, the ADHD-inattentive is reflected in the lack of persistence and focus on tasks, which leads to overall disorganization. Therefore, it is no wonder that this health issue makes people suffer from the inability to fulfill societal expectations and serves as a source of continuous stress. In this way, it can be concluded that subsequent complications represented by ADHD-hyperactive or ADHD-impulsive forms are patients’ response to inattentiveness. Thus, for example, the former’s principal symptom is one’s inability to sit still, and it derives from the lack of focus (“Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,” 2016).

When complemented by the habit of talking non-stop and interrupting other people resulting from the attempts to compensate for disorganization, this state presents a barrier to successful communication (“Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,” 2016). Therefore, the ADHD-hyperactive is related to the condition’s inattentive form since it is one of its possible complications.

Another type of problems stemming from the initial mental health issue, which is the lack of concentration and organization, is impulsiveness. This outcome is also related to ADHD since the tendency to make hasty decisions in a person positively correlates with the inability to use critical thinking for a proper assessment of one or another situation (“Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,” 2016). From this perspective, the impulsive form of ADHD is more severe than hyperactive and also results from ADHD-inattentive. It prevents people from normal functioning in the decision-making process and thereby implies the long-term adverse consequences regarding socialization. As for the link between this problem and the initial state described above, it is explained by the dependence of the correctness of one’s choices on the ability to concentrate.


In conclusion, the cause and effect relationship between ADHD-inattentive and ADHD-hyperactive-impulsive is conditional upon the former’s role in the latter’s emergence. These consequences can be viewed as the outcome of stress evoked by the inability to concentrate and organize tasks and belongings. Thus, constant fidgeting and talking non-stop alongside making wrong decisions due to poor critical thinking skills occur due to inattention and, therefore, it should be timely diagnosed.


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. (2016). National Institute of Mental Health. Web.

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