Angel’s Treatment Plan: Psychosocial and Psychological Interventions

Angel will meet with a clinical provider who will discuss with him about his alcohol and/or substance usage patterns, his medical history, mental health disorders and legal issues. From these assessments done, the clinical provider will make a summary of the main problems that brought Angel in for medication or treatment. The clinical provider will also make recommendations such as medication and behavioral therapy which is based on the acceptable treatment practice and possible facility limitations.

Problem list

From the assessments done to Angel, the clinical provider stated the problems which were;

Problem 1: Angel had begun having mental disorders.

This is evident from the scenario when he shoved his wife just from a mere argument with his wife. Angel also claiming to feel better after using alcohol at the NCO club on base when his episodes of anxiety made it hard for him to interact with peers.

Problem 2: Angel is unable to reduce or get rid of alcohol and substance abuse.

The evidence is; Angel’s extensive, irresponsible and uncontrollable use of alcohol. He also goes a mile away by starting and introducing himself to the use of cocaine.

The evidence is; Angel notes that coming off the cocaine and binge drinking continue to low mood and increased anxiety. This is a clear indication and evidence that indeed he was unable to get rid of alcohol and substance abuse.

The evidence is; Angel having a domestic violence arrest after argument with his wife that made him to shove his wife; this is because he was unwilling and unable to get rid or quit alcohol and substance abuse.

Problem 3: Angel has mood disorders.

The evidence is; he attacks and shoves his wife after a small argument with his wife concerning his substance abuse.

The evidence is; Angel denotes that his moves and trials to come off cocaine and binge drinking made him be of low mood and high on anxiety.

Problem 4: Angel suffers Depression and Anxiety.

The valid evidence is; Angel started to drink in order to feel better when his episodes of anxiety made it hard for him to interact with his peers. Angel suffered low mood and anxiety due to trials to come off the cocaine and binge drinking. The impact of having low mood and anxiety eventually led to Angel suffer from depression.

Goal list

Among the things that the clinical provider wanted to change included:

  • Facilitating behavioral change.
  • Helping enhance the client’s effectiveness and their ability to cope.
  • Helping promote the decision-making process while facilitating Angel’s potential.
  • Development.
  • Helping improve Angel’s ability to both establish and maintain relationships; both domestic and social.


The clinical provider proposed a set of steps for Angel to follow and implement. These included:

  • Angel to attend mental disorders and counseling classes.
  • Angel to minimize his exposure to triggers of alcohol and rather get him busy with other constructive things.
  • Angel to learn new mood and anger management skills.
  • Angel to learn how to have relaxed mind and also learn to have difficult discussions with his wife.
  • Angel should gain new insight on how to live sober by going to group counseling.


The below mentioned methods of treatment would help the clinical provider achieve the goals/objectives.

  1. Problem: Angel has begun having mental disorders.
  2. Goal: Angel to attend mental disorder guiding and counseling classes.
  3. Objective: Gain access to both physical and online resources about mental health and counseling solutions.
  4. Intervention: the clinical provider will offer a pass for Angel to attend mental health conventions.

Tracking and Evaluating Progress

As a future case manager, I would track the progress of the plan by matching Angel’s assessment information before he visited the clinical provider and his behavioral information after visiting the clinical provider. I will use a check list of the problems that the clinical provider deducted from his/her assessment and make a deep comparison with the current information concerning Angel’s lifestyle. Also, I would monitor Angel’s day to day activities to see the possibilities of him complying with the remedies given to him or not. This will help me as a future manager to track and see if the recovery process is achieving the greater success as hoped and anticipated.

Relapse prevention planning

After the clinical provider successfully completed the initial treatment or medication program, Angel’s relapse prevention plan included:

  • Stay active in his recovery network or time period; Angel should once and always stay closer to those people who are helping him recover from alcohol and substance abuse (Heilig et al., 2019). He should also attend regular social and educational events; stay connected via social media, and also volunteer to help other alimni.
  • Be aware of his personal triggers to the alcohol and substance abuse; Angel should avoid: peer pressure, smell that reminds him of the drugs, feeling guilty, boredom, fatigue, being near venues that have drug addicts or where the drugs are being sold and/or served.
  • Take better care of himself physically; Angel should at least take regular stretching, leisure breaks, and including at least one day a week off from work.
  • Practicing the art of letting go off the past; these include the traumatic experiences of his life. Angel should practice not taking life’s inconveniences personally; he should schedule his top priorities first and counting his blessings daily.
  • Find a very high purpose to live on. This includes staying positive and motivated with an aim to achieve the best in life. Angel should believe in something even bigger than him; he should also keep others from suffering the same addiction as he does (Bighelli et al., 2021)). He should find a way or ways of getting involved in advancing his favorite cause and a good way to start is by joining a group and finds the power in numbers.
  • Be completely honest; since it is for his own benefit and good, Angel should be honest, first with him and second with the clinical provider in times of interview about his fairing on.
  • Ask for help; whenever Angel needs any clarification or help concerning his recovery pattern, he should seek for help rather than staying quiet, which can hinder his recovery process.
  • Do not bend the rules; since the entire recovery process is accompanied by a certain number of challenges, Angel should stay concentrated and glued to the rules of the recovery process. Not at any time should he bend the rules to satisfy negative and unworthy desires or needs.
  • Take time for self – assessment and reflection; Angel should have a conference with himself and focus on some things about himself (Shefner et al., 2020). He should ask himself some questions and be able to provide answers in a positive manner. Angel should try to see any differences that are arising from the entire recovery process and make a personal judgement on if he will accept entire change in his life or no. He should therefore focus on the positive side of that judgement.


Bighelli, I., Rodolico, A., García-Mieres, H., Pitschel-Walz, G., Hansen, W. P., Schneider-Thoma, J., Siafis, S., Wu, H., Wang, D., Salanti, G., Furukawa, T. A., Barbui, C. & Leucht, S. (2021). Psychosocial and psychological interventions for relapse prevention in schizophrenia: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. The Lancet Psychiatry, 8(11), 969-980. Web.

Heilig, M., Augier, E., Pfarr, S., & Sommer, W. H. (2019). Developing neuroscience-based treatments for alcohol addiction: A matter of choice?. Translational psychiatry, 9(1), 1-11. Web.

Shefner, J. M., Al-Chalabi, A., Baker, M. R., Cui, L. Y., de Carvalho, M., Eisen, A, & Kiernan, M. C. (2020). A proposal for new diagnostic criteria for ALS. Clinical Neurophysiology, 131(8). Web.

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