Remote Work: Building Meaningful Collaboration

Sally Percy, a business and finance journalist, discusses the peculiarities of effective intra-team communication in a new working environment when team members are located in different cities and even countries. Percy (2022) offers five ways to build meaningful collaboration remotely. First, it is vital to encourage collective feedback by creating a positive and open team culture. Secondly, leaders should adapt their management style in a changing environment and move from managing to nurturing. Thirdly, it is essential to develop automated and crowdsourcing knowledge management when employees can get instant independent access to information. According to Percy (2022), this will help managers track employee knowledge gaps and organize teamwork to find solutions. Fourth, non-work collaborations, such as virtual quests, digital happy hours, and board games, are significant in promoting engagement. Finally, it is crucial to focus the team on promoting the public good instead of solely focusing on increasing profits. Thus, Sally Percy teaches readers effective teamwork in the face of widespread remote work.

Indeed, the opportunity to work remotely is becoming more popular, as it is economically beneficial and opens up wide access to talent. However, this has a critical issue related to building effective communication and emotional bonds within such distributed teams. Every aspect highlighted by Sally Percy has a special meaning and is seen as effective. Based on the example of personal experience, the interaction that goes beyond work issues is critical. Undoubtedly, working on one project unites, but corporate parties, games, and quizzes cope with this task even better. They help everyone to reveal their talents, show their inner world, and open up to colleagues from a new side. Therefore, in offices, culture can develop organically through group activities or, for example, sharing experiences. The time people spend together gives them a sense of shared purpose and belonging. Creating a remote team culture can also happen organically, but building it takes more thoughtful thinking and active effort.


Percy, S. (2022). Five ways to develop meaningful collaboration. Forbes. Web.

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