Research Writing: ERP Systems

All the research journals included in this study, claim that integrated management of information is used across most organizations. Such organizations engage in manufacturing and other services related to management of customer relations. A number of journals indicate that when the process is automated, it uses ERP systems that are integrated using specific software to help in the administration of services. To execute ERP systems, the process can be run in real-time with the help of adequate hardware and network configurations.

To have a clear understanding of the topic, it is important that one conducts research on the topic, to be able to make informed decisions. All professional disciplines, whether in business, medicine, education, psychology, or human services, are informed by theories, models, and research, and are intended to uncover, inform and put into practice the requirements a particular field. The journals that are involved with research gives the learner an opportunity to have an integrated analysis of the topic of research work.

Brown, C. V., & Vessey, I. (2003). Managing the next wave of enterprise systems: Leveraging lessons from ERP. MIS Quarterly Executive, 2(1), 65-77.

The journal looks into highly complex packages used in many industries that compete in production of similar goods in the market. It states that in the late 1990s, software generators had supplied their customers with the most recent and effective interface used in controlling production using a cross-functional process that is simple to use. It is further stated that supply chain and the customer relationship management systems follow the same channel as ERP.

Research has also indicated that there are five factors contributing to successful integration of the research as well as the systems. One of the factors is that the management team should fully engage in the process. In addition, it is important that veterans of the organizations become the decision makers in order to effectively implement the system. The third factor is that third parties to the business should come in by offering knowledge to the new generations in an organization. It is also important that the management accepts change by planning and making sure that employees have the right mindsets to drive the organization.

Dehning, B., & Stratopoulos, T. (2003). Determinants of a sustainable competitive advantage due to an IT-enabled strategy. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 12 (1), 7-28.

The journal asserts current IT advancements have significantly fuelled the competition that exists between most industries. The empirical evidence provided indicated that performance of the business has contributed to the integration of the involved companies. In addition, the journal asserts that the performance of IT systems in a business should be measured effectively to help them attain the intended sustainability.

Yusuf, Y., Gunasekaran, A., & Abthorpe, M. S. (2004). Enterprise information systems project implementation: A case study of ERP in Rolls-Royce. International Journal of Production Economics, 87 (1), 251-266.

The journal asserts that global development of economy and international integration of all business operations can be reached through using information technology. ERP is taken as the only and most probable contributors of suppliers’ success and ability to integrate into deeper markets. The paper further examines the reasons of failure of the system, which is as a result of poor management.

The paper further describes the overview of the market and outlines the effectiveness created by ERP. It does an in-depth analysis of the issues associated with using ERP as is applied in Rolls-Royce plc. The paper looks into the cultural practices of Rolls-Royce and the implementation scales of the company.

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