Communication has become central to the efficient performance of any company in the 21st century. Therefore, ambitious managers should be able to determine the necessary cues and choose the most appropriate channels that ensure the best results. What is more, various channels have different richness, which describes their ability to transit information. Numerous amount of other factors are to be taken into consideration in order to maximize the efficiency of interaction with employees.
Highly efficient managers should be able to always prioritize the company’s performance and allocate their resources, emotions, and time only in the situations that vividly demand them. Thus, it is appropriate to phone an employee to notify them about a raise to provide more motivation and send emails to those, who are not promoted, so as not to burn out emotionally. Discussing errors in reports and additional job responsibilities over the phone is highly beneficial to ensure that the team members realize the importance of the remarkable performance and attention to detail. Communicating via the telephone allows for better immediate feedback than emails. (Bierman et al., 2018). A holiday schedule can be sent using a formal report in order to save time by making it available to everyone.
From the employee’s perspective, it would be better to discuss the factors that hinder promotion face-to-face. At the same time, additional job responsibilities can be better understood if they are presented in a list form and sent via email. Therefore, it is crucial for managers to realize the diversity of the channels and take into account the employees’ expectations and emotions. A balanced, employee-oriented approach ensures efficient communication and, consequently, enhanced performance of the entire team in the long run.
Bierman, L., Ferrell, O. C., & Ferrell, L. (2018). Management: Principles and applications (4th ed.). Academic Media Solutions.