Researching of Intersectionality

Practically speaking, intersectionality is the belief that all oppressions are linked. Intersectionality is commonly denoted as the interrelated character of social categories like race, class, and gender, which are thought to create interdependent and interlinked structures of discriminatory practices or imbalance (Dill et al. 54). Intersectionality is the recognition that each individual has unique perspectives of oppression and prejudice and that it is vital to take into consideration every factor that can marginalize people – sex, ethnic background, class, sexuality, physical capacity, and so on. When looking at global issues, intersectionality can aid us in comprehending how intertwined challenges are.

Depending on their social identities, everyone experiences oppression diversely. The Axes of Privilege, domination, and Oppression depict intersectionality brilliantly. I began comprehending how I may encounter oppression and acknowledge my privilege by placing myself on the Axes. While learning intersectionality, going through this process might help understand colliding social identities. Another implementation I’ve made into my life is to avoid overly simplified syntax. After I acknowledged the distinction, I was able to shift from a vocabulary that aims to categorize people through a single identity.

Studying intersectionality and how it affects other people within a wide variety of contexts allows us to communicate with our peers more thoughtfully and strengthens our grasp on how diversity, justice, and incorporation are applicable to our society. Practicing intersectionality enables individuals to recognize that advocacy must be intersectional and include individuals of various races, genders, sexual identities, capacities, and socioeconomic backgrounds (Al-Faham et al. 259). Understanding other people’s experiences and perspectives is vital in order to campaign for equality and guarantee that authentic, significant change occurs.

Works Cited

Al-Faham, Hajer, et al. “Intersectionality: From Theory to Practice.” Annual Review of Law and Social Science, vol. 15, no. 1, 2019, pp. 247–65. Crossref.

Dill, Bonnie Thornton, et al. Emerging Intersections: Race, Class, and Gender in Theory, Policy, and Practice. Edition Unstated, Rutgers University Press, 2009.

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