Researching: W Stands for Weakness

The XXI century is believed to be a century of equality and protection of human rights. Indeed, currently, every person has a right to vote regardless of gender and race. Besides, no one could forbid a black person or a Jew to enter a café, for example. Women have access to education and could become employed wherever they want. However, despite these achievements in fighting discrimination, the issue of infringement of human rights remains topical. The special attention is focused on the topic of women’s rights. The facts reveal that even in the modern century, women remain unequal to men, and, hence, this issue is worth being discussed.

Among 195 countries recognized by the United Nations, only 27 of them women hold the position of the head of the state. In this context, it is hard to disagree with the claim that women suffer from discrimination. The reason for the fact that there are very few women in politics, engineering, or precise sciences is that people used to associate these specializations with men. In comparison, being a woman is commonly perceived as a synonym for being weak, foolish, and dependent. At this point, it is necessary not to forget in the majority of countries, women receive lower salaries than men. Furthermore, employers are unwilling to hire them because a firm should bear additional costs when a woman becomes pregnant and takes maternity leave.

Still, the problem of women’s rights discrimination targets not only the issue of their employment. Other dimensions of the fight for women’s rights include protecting appearance and body from unrealistic standards of fashion models and desire or reluctance to get married and have children. Apart from this, the fight for women’s rights is the fight against abuses, rapes, and harassment. For too long, women have not been considered decent people who deserve to be equal to men. Nowadays, the time has come to change this situation and actively implement measures to promote the protection of women’s rights.

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