Response to Suicidal Student Threat

The effective response to the suicidal student includes various assessment procedures. One of the main is the Columbia suicide severity rating scale (C-SSRS). The C-SSRS is a rating scale for suicidal thoughts and behaviors created by academics to assess the risk of suicide. The scale measures a person’s level of suicide risk. Although the survey’s questions are designed to be used in an interview format, it can also be filled as a self-report survey if required. The document, which is utilized in all situations of self-threat, may also be used under the Baker Act. Review with the parent and get their signature to verify the notification completed by the designee. A completed Digital TRSS incident form’s goal is to identify the source of the problem and suggest solutions that can be implemented to decrease the chances of a repeat occurrence.

I have not had a chance to conduct any assignments yet. However, students can directly refer to the school administration or mental health designee. Empirical assessment includes maintaining contact with a student. Teachers must keep the student with them and not leave them alone if a student needs immediate medical attention, contact 911. A parent, administration, and mental health designee must be notified if an individual is at risk. The documentation requires an assessment of the student, an acknowledgment form, and a completed Digital TRSS incident form (Siqueira et al., 2020). Students who show signs of the potential lethality of suicidal risks require emergency services. Safety planning to control the risks must be implemented, including steps of coping strategies and search for help.

After emergency services or hospitalization, follow-up procedures include connecting families with needed resources, completing the required forms, implementing the MH SharePoint Survey, optional addition of a Safety Plan, and encouraging Re-entry meetings. A long-term treatment plan allows outside providers, such as social workers, to come to the school to provide service to at-risk students.

In my current school environment, the safe coordinator provides training for district personnel every year. It helps to improve the skills of the school staff constantly, and additionally, the training may be done earlier if there is an update in suicide prevention policies. I am confident that the site’s policies are accurate. Workers know the latest rules and instructions for quick response to any signs of suicidal students. However, prevention and awareness strategies can be utilized to lower the rates of emergencies.


Siqueira, A. F., Ferreira, D. S., Monteiro, W. F., Teixeira, E., & Barbosa, I. P. B. (2020). Validation of a handbook on suicide prevention among students: talking is the best solution. Rev Rene, 21.

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