Review of Methods of Stopping Intruders

Fraudsters in cyberspace are becoming an increasingly urgent problem that every user needs to deal with. Personally, guided by knowledge in the Internet sphere, I would first of all try to complicate the task of penetration as much as possible. In other words, my main tools would be a dynamic IP address, complex passwords and a framework. In addition, it is known that scammers often take data from public networks or so-called white zones (Sterling, 2020). The first problem is solved by the fact that the use of the Internet can only be restricted through secure and private networks. The problem of white zones is more difficult to solve, since often we cannot understand the weaknesses of the system used without a specialist. However, we can reduce the use of cookies and install an antivirus to avoid spyware and networks.

Further, it is important to note the most effective test aimed at identifying problems and unprotected elements of the operating system and connection. With the help of specialilst, and in some cases yourself, you can arrange your own test drive with the help of programs that identify problems. Further, the vulnerabilities are eliminated, and the operation is repeated periodically, for example, once every two to three months (Sterling, 2020). This will be quite enough to significantly complicate the penetration. Finally, I should not send important personal data in any untrusted or dubious databases, as this often leads to hacking.

It is important to emphasize that I fully agree with what Kabrisha wrote. I find the comparison with burglars to be extremely effective, illustrating the struggles and tools used by such attackers. In addition, I noticed similarities in our strategies regarding the identification of blind spots or the establishment of protective programs. These methods are really effective, which shows the practice and authority of such actions. Finally, Kabrisha advises recreating the element of surprise by drastically changing the security system and credentials. I believe that mutable data is indeed the most necessary part of the fight against intruders.


Sterling, B. (2020). The hacker crackdown. Law and disorder on the electronic frontier. Open Road Media.

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