Review of the Essay “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan


Each paragraph of The Critical Review of the Essay “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan begins with a clear thematic sentence, which summarizes the main idea of the following statements. The first paragraph summarizes the concept of people using language at different levels to express themselves, which is precisely reflected in the topic sentence. The next topic sentence generalizes the idea of the perception of someone’s language skills by others as an indicator of erudition. The third paragraph discusses two radically opposite views on the importance of adhering to literary standards in the narrative text, which is also correctly formulated in the topic sentence.

The presence of topic sentences in the paragraphs ensures its accessibility for the audience and ease of perception. These sentences consistently develop the narrative and explain to the reader the main points of the critical review. Therefore, in the process of reading the text, it will be easy to identify those issues that interest the reader and focus on them.

Identifying the Evidence Guidelines and Rubric

The primary evidence supporting the thesis statement is the mention of the use of different language styles in the essay “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan. The critical review provides subjective evidence that contradicts the quotations and paraphrases the author’s words. Since it is a critical interpretation of the literary text, this evidence is quite convincing and illuminates the thesis from different angles. Each topic sentence is supported by two arguments that develop the main thesis statement, which is enough for this particular critical text.

Thus, it was determined that the main functions of the evidence in the critical review were observed. Moreover, the thesis statement was excellently developed by introducing the opposing views on the problem. Additionally, evidence suitable for the style of writing a critical review was also selected. It is also crucial that the text is not overloaded with evidence and generally known facts, which indicates a sufficient validity of the thesis statement.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, January 13). Review of the Essay “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan.

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StudyCorgi. (2022) 'Review of the Essay “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan'. 13 January.

1. StudyCorgi. "Review of the Essay “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan." January 13, 2022.


StudyCorgi. "Review of the Essay “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan." January 13, 2022.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Review of the Essay “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan." January 13, 2022.

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